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BACK: The part of the body that is behind. To be in the rear of or behind something. [Strong's #: 268]
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BACK.OF.THE.NECK: The nape between the shoulders and the head. [Strong's #: 6676, 6677]
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BACKWARD: With the back foremost; in a reverse or contrary way; i.e. To walk backward in the sense of being after oneself. [Strong's #: 322]
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BAKE (Verb): To cook using dry heat, especially in an oven. [Strong's #: 644]
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BALM: An aromatic preparation for a healing ointment. A salve rubbed and pressed into the skin. [Strong's #: 6875]
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BAND: A gathering of men for attacking or raiding. [Strong's #: 1416]
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BANQUET: An elaborate meal often accompanied by a ceremony. [Strong's #: 4960, 4961]
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BARREN: Incapable of bearing children. Childless in the sense of being naked of children. [Strong's #: 6185]
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BARTER (Verb): To exchange an item or service for another. [Strong's #: 6148]
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BASE: The bottom or foundation which provides support. A person's home or family as being a base. A species of gnat. [Strong's #: 3653]
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BATHE (Verb): To cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water. [Strong's #: 7364, 7365]
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BATTLE: A struggle between two armies. [Strong's #: 4421]
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BE (Verb): To exist or have breath. That which exists has breath. In Hebrew thought the breath is the character of someone or something. Just as a man has character, so do objects. [Strong's #: 1933, 1934]
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BE.A.HARLOT (Verb): A woman who practices promiscuous sexual behavior, especially for hire. [Strong's #: 2181]
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BE.ABLE (Verb): To successfully prevail, overcome or endure. [Strong's #: 3201, 3202]
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BE.ABUNDANT (Verb): To be strong in might or numbers. From the abundant number of bones in the body. [Strong's #: 6105]
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BE.AN.IN.LAW (Verb): To have a relationship with another through marriage. [Strong's #: 2859]
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BE.ASHAMED (Verb): Feeling shame, guilt or disgrace; to be dried up with shame; Refrained (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 954]
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BE.BITTER (Verb): Having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste. One of the four basic taste sensations; Provoke (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 4843]
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BE.CHILDLESS (Verb): To be without children through miscarriage, barrenness or loss of children; Miscarry (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 7921]
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BE.CLEAN (Verb): Free from dirt, pollution or immorality; unadulterated, pure. [Strong's #: 2891]
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BE.CRAFTY (Verb): The doing of a thing slyly or cunningly. [Strong's #: 5230]
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BE.DELIGHTFUL (Verb): One of the four basic taste sensations. [Strong's #: 5276]
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BE.DRUNK (Verb): To be filled with intoxicating drink. [Strong's #: 7937]
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BE.DYSFUNCTIONAL (Verb): Impaired or abnormal filling of purpose; to act wrongly by injuring or doing an evil action. [Strong's #: 4827, 7489]
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BE.FACE.TO.FACE (Verb): To face another; Tell (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 5046, 5047]
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BE.FAR (Verb): To be distant, a long way off. [Strong's #: 7368]
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BE.FRUITFUL (Verb): Abundantly productive. [Strong's #: 6500]
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BE.HARD (Verb): To be difficult; not easily penetrated; not easily yielding to pressure. [Strong's #: 7185]
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BE.HEAVY (Verb): To be great in weight, wealth or importance; Honor (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 3513]
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BE.HUNGRY (Verb): To have an urgent craving for food; famished. [Strong's #: 7456]
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BE.IMPATIENT (Verb): Exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor or freshness. [Strong's #: 3811]
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BE.IN.MISERY (Verb): A state of suffering and want due to poverty or affliction. [Strong's #: 3510]
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BE.NUMB (Verb): Devoid of sensation or emotion. [Strong's #: 6313]
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BE.OLD (Verb): To be of an advanced age. [Strong's #: 2204]
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BE.RICH (Verb): To have a large accumulation of resources, means, or funds. To be wealthy. [Strong's #: 6238]
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BE.SAD (Verb): To be in a state of depression. [Strong's #: 2196]
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BE.SICK (Verb): To be twisted through pain. [Strong's #: 2470]
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BE.SMALL (Verb): To have little size or slight dimensions; insignificant. [Strong's #: 6994]
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BE.STEADFAST (Verb): To walk on the right path without losing the way. [Strong's #: 6663]
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BE.STRONG (Verb): To be mentally astute, firm, obstinate or courageous. Having or marked by great physical, moral or intellectual power. [Strong's #: 553]
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BE.THREEFOLD (Verb): Being three times as great or as many. [Strong's #: 8027]
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BE.UNCLEAN (Verb): Physically or morally impure; dirty, filthy; Defile (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 2930]
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BE.WHOLE (Verb): To be free of wound or injury, defect or impairment, disease or deformity; physically and mentally sound. [Strong's #: 8552]
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BE.ZEALOUS (Verb): To be filled with eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something; Envious (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 7065]
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BEARD: The hair that grows on a man's face. A long beard as a sign of old age and wisdom. An elder as a bearded one. [Strong's #: 2205, 2206]
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BEAST: An animal as distinguished from man or a plant. A tall or large creature. Also representative of wealth, as one who is exalted. [Strong's #: 929, 930]
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BEAT (Verb): To strike repeatedly in a rhythm such as a drum. [Strong's #: 6470]
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BEAT.OUT (Verb): To strike something with a sharp blow. [Strong's #: 1849]
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BEAUTIFUL: Generally pleasing. Possessing the qualities of loveliness or functionality. [Strong's #: 3303, 3304]
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BEAUTY: A person, place or thing that is graceful and precious; what is worth protecting. [Strong's #: 2580]
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BED: A place for sleeping. Spread out sheet for sleeping. [Strong's #: 4296]
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BEFORE: What precedes another event; Not yet. [Strong's #: 2962]
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BEING: A person or creature that has breath.The whole of an individual, god or animal including the body, mind, emotion, character and inner parts. [Strong's #: 5315]
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BELITTLE (Verb): To regard or portray as less impressive or important; to be light in weight; to curse or despise in the sense of making light. [Strong's #: 7043]
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BELLY: The undersurface of an animal; the stomach and other digestive organs. [Strong's #: 1512]
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BEND.DOWN (Verb): To pay homage to another one by bowing low or getting on the knees with the face to the ground. [Strong's #: 7812]
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BEND.THE.KNEE: A kneeling down, often as a sign of respect to another. [Strong's #: 86]
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BEQA: A dry weight measure equal to one-half shekel weight. [Strong's #: 1235]
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BESIDE: Being next to something. [Strong's #: 681]
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BEST: Excelling all others; most, largest; most productive or good, utility or satisfaction. [Strong's #: 4315]
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BETWEEN: In the time, space or interval that separates. [Strong's #: 996, 997, 1143]
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BIND (Verb): To make secure by tying; to confine, restrain or restrict as if with bonds. bind with a cord. [Strong's #: 6123]
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BIND.UP (Verb): To tie something. The tying of the tongue, silence. [Strong's #: 481]
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BIRD: A creature distinguished by a body covering of feathers and wings as forelimbs. [Strong's #: 6833]
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BIRD.OF.PREY: A carnivorous bird that feeds on carrion or meat taken by hunting. [Strong's #: 5861]
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BIRTHING: The act or process of bringing forth offspring from the womb. Total of the children born within an era. [Strong's #: 8435]
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BIRTHRIGHT: Rights, privileges or possessions to which a person is entitled by birth. The rights of the firstborn son (see Deut. 21:17). Also meaning the firstborn. [Strong's #: 1062]
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BITE (Verb): To seize especially with teeth or jaws; to sting, wound or pierce as with a fang. To give usury in the sense of a biting. [Strong's #: 5391]
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BITTER: A difficult taste or experience. [Strong's #: 4751, 4752]
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BLACK: A dark or darkened color; charcoal color. [Strong's #: 2345]
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BLAST (Verb): To blow heavily. [Strong's #: 7710]
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BLAZING: To burn, flash or shine brightly. Also used for the magic of magicians. [Strong's #: 3858]
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BLOOD: The red fluid that circulates through the body; Bloodshed (when in the plural form). [Strong's #: 1818]
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BODY: By extension, the physical form, either alive or dead; a corpse. [Strong's #: 1472]
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BOIL (Verb): To generate bubbles of vapor when heated; to cook a meat in water; Ripen (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 1310]
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BONDWOMAN: A female slave. One who is bound to another. [Strong's #: 519]
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BONE: The hard tissue of which the skeleton is chiefly composed. As a numerous amount. [Strong's #: 6106]
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BOOTH: A temporary shelter; a small enclosure; dwelling place. [Strong's #: 5521]
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BORDER: The outer edge of a region. Also the area within the borders. [Strong's #: 1366]
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BORN: Brought forth, as if by birth. [Strong's #: 3211]
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BOSOM: The human chest, especially the front side. [Strong's #: 2436]
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BOUND.SHEAF: Stalks and ears of a cereal grass bound together. A sheaf of grain that is bound. [Strong's #: 485]
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BOUND.UP (Verb): To be confined or hedged in together; to wait or to be held back in the sense of being bound up. [Strong's #: 6960]
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BOW: A weapon made from a stiff branch to shoots arrows. A bow-shaped object such as a rainbow. [Strong's #: 7198, 7199]
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BOW.THE.HEAD (Verb): To lower the head as a sign of respect. [Strong's #: 6915]
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BOWELS: The large intestines as encompassed about by the torso. Compassion as coming from the bowels. [Strong's #: 7356, 7358, 7359]
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BOWL: A concave vessel especially for holding liquids. As with high sides. [Strong's #: 1375]
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BOX: A rigid rectangular receptacle often with a cover. Any box-shaped object. [Strong's #: 727]
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BOY: A male child from birth to puberty. [Strong's #: 3206]
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BRACELET: An ornamental band or chain worn around the wrist. As the ends joined together. [Strong's #: 6781]
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BRAMBLE: A rough, prickly vine or shrub. Thorn. [Strong's #: 6975]
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BRANCH: A branch used as a staff. Also, a tribe as a branch of the family. [Strong's #: 4294]
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BREACH: A broken, ruptured or torn condition or area; a gap as in a wall made by battering. [Strong's #: 6556]
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BREAD: Baked and leavened bread primarily made of flour or meal. Also food in general. [Strong's #: 3899, 3900, 3901]
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BREAD.CAKE: Cakes baked on hot stones. [Strong's #: 5692]
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BREAK (Verb): To throw something on the ground and break it by trampling. [Strong's #: 6565]
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BREAK.OUT (Verb): To be spread out wide or widespread. [Strong's #: 6555]
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BREAST: Milk-producing glandular organs situated on the chest in the female; the fore part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Also a goat-idol from the teats of the goat. [Strong's #: 7699, 7700]
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BREATH: Air inhaled or exhaled. The breath of man or god. The essence of life. [Strong's #: 5396, 5397]
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BRICK: A building material typically rectangular and of moist clay hardened by heat. [Strong's #: 3840, 3843]
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BRIDE.PRICE: A payment given by or in behalf of a prospective husband to the bride's family. [Strong's #: 4119]
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BRIGHT: A radiating or reflective light. As cheerful. [Strong's #: 8233]
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BRIMSTONE: A rock of sulfur that burns. [Strong's #: 1614]
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BRING.FORTH (Verb): To issue out; to bring forth children, either by the woman who bears them or the man who fathers them; Act as midwife (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 3205]
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BROTHER: A male who has the same parents as another or shares one parent with another. One who stands between the enemy and the family, a protector. [Strong's #: 251, 252, 1889]
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BUCK: The large males of a flock of sheep or heard of deer. By extension, anything of strength including a chief, pillar (as the strong support of a building), or oak tree (one of the strongest of the woods). [Strong's #: 352, 353, 354]
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BUILD (Verb): To construct a building or home with wood, stone or other material or a family with sons. [Strong's #: 1124, 1129]
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BULL: A large male un-castrated bovine. [Strong's #: 6499]
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BURIAL.PLACE: The place of interment or deposit of a deceased body. [Strong's #: 6900]
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BURN.BLACK (Verb): To char wood in a fire. A passion that burns for another. [Strong's #: 3648]
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BURNT.OFFERING: The rising of smoke from a carcass placed in a fire. [Strong's #: 1473, 5930]
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BURST.OUT (Verb): To be larger, fuller, or more crowded; to break out or break forth as a blooming flower or the wings of a bird. [Strong's #: 6524]
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BURY (Verb): To dispose of by depositing in the ground. [Strong's #: 6912]
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BUSINESS: The principal occupation of one's life. A service. [Strong's #: 4399]
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BUT: On the contrary. An outcome desired in the sense of joining. [Strong's #: 199]
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BUTCHER (Verb): One who slaughters animals or dresses their flesh. [Strong's #: 2873]
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BY: In proximity to. The sense of standing with another; With. [Strong's #: 5978]
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