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!(fp): Identifies the verb as a feminine plural imperative.

!(fs): Identifies the verb as a feminine singular imperative.

!(mp): Identifies the verb as a masculine plural imperative.

!(ms): Identifies the verb as a masculine singular imperative.

?: The interrogative hey converting the sentence into a question.

^: Paragogic Hey; added to the ordinary forms of words, to express additional emphasis, or some change in the sense.

>: Identifies the verb form as infinitive.

and: The conjunction meaning and. Often used as the vav consecutive meaning that when prefixed to a verb it will usually reverse the tense of the verb; As, but, or, that, then, when.

be: Identifies the voice of the verb as passive.

did: Identifies the tense of the verb as perfect; Had (when the subject of the verb precedes the verb).

ed(fp): Feminine plural verb passive participle denoting an action (such as baked).

ed(fs): Feminine singular verb passive participle denoting an action (such as baked).

ed(mp): Masculine plural verb passive participle denoting an action (such as baked).

ed(ms): Masculine singular verb passive participle denoting an action (such as baked).

from: A preposition meaning from; At, by, kinds, more than, of, on, out of, rather than, some of, to.

he: Identifies the subject of the verb as third person masculine singular; Any, it.

her: Third person feminine singular pronoun (her) also used as a possessive pronoun (of him or his).

him: Third person masculine singular pronoun (him) also used as a possessive pronoun (of him or his).

I(cs): Identifies the subject of the verb as first person common singular.

in: A preposition meaning in or with; Among, at, by, on, over, to, with.

ing/er(fp): Feminine plural verb participle denoting an action (such as baking) or one of action (such as a bakers).

ing/er(fs): Feminine singular verb participle denoting an action (such as baking) or one of action (such as a baker).

ing/er(mp): Masculine plural verb participle denoting an action (such as baking) or one of action (such as a bakers).

ing/er(ms): Masculine singular verb participle denoting an action (such as baking) or one of action (such as a baker).

like: A preposition meaning like; About, as.

make: Identifies the the mood of the verb as causative; Cause, give, take.

me(cs): First person common singular pronoun (me), also used as a possessive pronoun (of me or my).

much: Identifies the the mood of the verb as intensive; Many.

must: Paragogic Nun; emphasises the intensity of action of the verb.

of: Identifies the noun as possessive.

s: Identifies the noun as a quantitative or qualitative plural.

s2: Identifies the noun as a dual plural.

self: Identifies the voice of the verb as reflexive; Act.

she: Identifies the subject of the verb as third person feminine singular.

the: The definite article meaning "the".

them(fp): Third person feminine plural pronoun (them) also used as a possessive pronoun (of them or their).

them(mp): Third person masculine plural pronoun (them) also used as a possessive pronoun (of them or their).

they(cp): Identifies the subject of the verb as third person common plural.

they(fp): Identifies the subject of the verb as third person feminine plural.

they(mp): Identifies the subject of the verb as third person masculine plural.

to: A preposition meaning to or for; about, as, at, belong to, by, for, has, have, so, with, within.

unto: Directional Hey; implies movement toward the location identified in the word this suffix is attached to; Upon.

us(cp): First person common plural pronoun (we), also used as a possessive pronoun (of us or our).

we(cp): Identifies the subject of the verb as first person common plural.

which: A preposition meaning which or who.

will: Identifies the tense of the verb as imperfect.

you(fp): Second person feminine plural pronoun (you), also used as a possessive pronoun (of you or your).

you(fp): Identifies the subject of the verb as second person feminine plural.

you(fs): Second person feminine singular pronoun (you), alsoused as a possessive pronoun (of you or your).

you(fs): Identifies the subject of the verb as second person feminine singular.

you(mp): Second person masculine plural pronoun (you), also used as a possessive pronoun (of you or your).

you(mp): Identifies the subject of the verb as second person masculine plural.

you(ms): Second person masculine singular pronoun (you), also used as a possessive pronoun (of you or your).

you(ms): Identifies the subject of the verb as second person masculine singular.