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NAKED: Without clothes in the sense of bare skin. [Strong's #: 5903]
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NAKEDNESS: The state of being without clothing. Idiomatic for sexual relations. [Strong's #: 6172, 6173]
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NARROW: Of slender width. A narrow, tight place or situation, a difficulty. An enemy or adversary as one who closes in with pressure. [Strong's #: 6862]
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NATION: A community of people of one or more nationalities and having a more or less defined territory and government. The people as the back, or body of the nation. [Strong's #: 1471]
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NEAR: Close to; at or within a short distance from. Also, a kin, as a near relative. [Strong's #: 7138]
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NECK: The part of a person that connects the head with the body. [Strong's #: 6203]
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NECKLACE: A series of links worn as an ornament or insignia in the sense of being spread over the neck. [Strong's #: 7242]
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NEST: A bed or receptacle prepared by a bird for its eggs and young. The stall of an animal as a nest. [Strong's #: 7064]
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NET: An open-meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or woven at regular intervals. Also, a thicket as an interwoven network of thorns. [Strong's #: 5442, 7638]
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NEVERTHELESS: In spite of that. A flowing of certainty. [Strong's #: 61]
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NEW.MOON: The moon phase when the thin crescent first appears and is perceived as the renewal of the moon. The first day of the month. Also, a month as the interval between crescents; Month. [Strong's #: 2320]
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NIGHT: The time from dusk to dawn. The hours associated with darkness and sleep; Tonight (when prefixed with "the~"). [Strong's #: 3915]
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NINE: A cardinal number. The total number of hours in an ancient day or night; Ninety (when written in the plural). [Strong's #: 8672, 8673]
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NOBLE: Possessing outstanding qualities or properties. Of high birth or exalted rank. One who has authority. May also mean "heavy" from the weight of responsibility on one in authority. [Strong's #: 5620, 8269]
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NOD (Verb): A quick downward motion of the head. To shake or wag out of pity, sorrow or wandering. [Strong's #: 5110, 5111]
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NORTH: From the North Star which is watched for direction. [Strong's #: 6828]
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NOSE: The organ bearing the nostrils on the anterior of the face. Also meaning anger from the flaring of the nostrils and the redness of the nose when angry; Nostrils (when in the double plural form). [Strong's #: 639]
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NOT: A function word to stand for the negative. As being without; Cannot, no, nothing, without. [Strong's #: 3808]
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NOURISHMENT: Food; nutriment. For giving sustenance and making one whole. [Strong's #: 3978]
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NOW: At the present time or moment. [Strong's #: 6258]
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NUDE: Without clothes in the sense of bare skin. [Strong's #: 6174]
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NUMBER: A sum of units. Counting as a recording. [Strong's #: 4557]
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NUMEROUS: Involving more than one. [Strong's #: 6099]
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