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RAFTER: The beams which the roof of the house sits on. [Strong's #: 6982]
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RAIMENT: Clothing; garments. [Strong's #: 3682]
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RAIN.SHOWER: The rain of the skies. [Strong's #: 1653, 1655, 1730]
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RAISE.UP (Verb): To lift something up. [Strong's #: 7311, 7313]
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RAM: A member of a flock of sheep or goats. [Strong's #: 2089, 7716]
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RAVEN: A glossy black bird. As black in color. [Strong's #: 6158]
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REACH (Verb): To touch or grasp; to get up to or as far as; to come together in meeting by chance; to give or place in the sense of a meeting. [Strong's #: 6293]
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REBEL (Verb): To oppose or disobey one in authority or control. [Strong's #: 4775]
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REBUKE (Verb): To communicate toward a disorderly person to effect a return to their rightful place of order. [Strong's #: 1605]
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RECKLESS: Marked by lack of proper caution. [Strong's #: 6349]
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RECKON (Verb): To appoint, assign, count or number a set of things or people. [Strong's #: 4483, 4487]
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RECOGNIZE (Verb): To acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way; Make self unrecognizable (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form). [Strong's #: 5234]
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RED: Of the color red. Ruddy; florid. [Strong's #: 122]
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REDEEM (Verb): To buy back. Restore one to his original position or avenge his death. In the participle form this verb means "avenger," as it is the role of the nearest relative to buy back one in slavery or avenge his murder. [Strong's #: 1350]
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REED.PIPE: A wind instrument made of reeds. [Strong's #: 5748]
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REFINE (Verb): To reduce to a pure state. [Strong's #: 6338, 6339]
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REFLECTION: The return of light or sound waves from a surface; production of an image as by a mirror. [Strong's #: 4759]
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REFUSE (Verb): To express one's self as being unwilling to accept. [Strong's #: 3985]
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REGISTER (Verb): To indicate or show acknowledgement of someone or something; to document or count another; Set over (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 6485, 6486]
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REGULATE (Verb): To govern or correct according to rule; to bring order, method, or uniformity to; to compare one thing to another in the sense of a rule of measurement, often as a proverb or parable. [Strong's #: 4910, 4911]
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REGULATION: An authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure. The power and authority of one to regulate and control over another. [Strong's #: 4475]
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REIGN (Verb): To rule over a kingdom as king or queen. [Strong's #: 4427]
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REJOICING: A state of felicity or happiness. [Strong's #: 8056, 8057]
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RELIEF: A deliverance or freedom from a trouble, burden or danger. [Strong's #: 3444]
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REMAIN (Verb): To continue unchanged; to stay behind; Leave (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 7604]
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REMAINDER: A remaining group, part or trace. [Strong's #: 3499]
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REMEMBER (Verb): To recall an event or action in memorial or reflection. To speak on behalf of another.To reenact a past event as a memorial; Mention (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 2142]
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REMNANT: A usually small part, member, or trace remaining. [Strong's #: 7611]
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REMOVE.THE.COVER (Verb): To reveal something by exposing it. Usually from the removal of clothing; Uncover (when written in the niphil [passive] or hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 1540, 1541]
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REPLACEMENT: That which takes the place of , especially as a substitute or successor. In the sense of passing through one thing to another. [Strong's #: 2487]
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REPORT: An account or statement of an event or happening. What is heard. [Strong's #: 8088]
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REPRODUCE (Verb): To produce new individuals of the same kind; to be abundant in fruit. [Strong's #: 6509]
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RESIDE (Verb): To dwell permanently or continuously. [Strong's #: 2082]
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REST (Verb): Freedom from activity or labor. To rest from trouble or labor; Leave (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 5117]
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RESTRAIN (Verb): To prevent from doing. Hold back, in the sense of grabbing the heel. [Strong's #: 6117]
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RESTRICT (Verb): To confine within bounds. Hold back or prevent someone or something. [Strong's #: 3607]
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REVIVING: Restoring to consciousness or life. [Strong's #: 4241]
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RIB: Any of the paired bony or cartilaginous bones that stiffen the walls of the thorax and protect the organs beneath. A ridge of a hill from its similar shape to a rib. Also, the side. [Strong's #: 5967, 6763]
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RICHES: Wealth. The possessions that make one wealthy. [Strong's #: 6239]
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RIDE (Verb): To sit and travel in any conveyance; to sit astride an animal, wagon or chariot. [Strong's #: 7392]
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RIGHT.HAND: The hand on the right side of a person. Also, a direction as in "to the right." [Strong's #: 3225]
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RING: A circular band of metal or other durable material. Also the signet ring containing the mark of the owner that is sunk into a lump of clay as a seal. [Strong's #: 2885]
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RIPEN (Verb): To bring to completeness or perfection. Give off the fragrance of the fruit as it ripens. To add spices to a body for embalming. [Strong's #: 2590]
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RISE (Verb): To assume an upright position; to raise or rise up; to continue or establish. [Strong's #: 6965, 6966]
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RIVER: A natural stream of water of considerable volume. The life-giving water that washes over the soil. [Strong's #: 5103, 5104]
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ROAD: A route or path for traveled or walked. The path or manner of life. [Strong's #: 1870]
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ROAM (Verb): To wander around restlessly. [Strong's #: 7300]
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ROBE: A long flowing outer garment. Wide garment. [Strong's #: 155]
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ROD: A long and slender bar of wood. A staff for walking. [Strong's #: 4731]
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ROLL (Verb): A written document that may be wrapped round on itself. [Strong's #: 1556, 5953]
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ROOF.COVERING: Material used for a top or covering of a building. What covers something. [Strong's #: 4372]
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ROUND.ABOUT: A circuitous way or route; Concerning. [Strong's #: 1157]
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ROUNDNESS: 1. Cylindrical; something as a circle, globe or ring that is round. A round thing or place. A round loaf of bread. An expanse as a round piece of land. 2. Kikar: A dry standard of measure. Usually rendered as "talent" in most translations, however the word talent is a transliteration of the Greek word talanton (a Greek coin) used in the Greek Septuagint for the Hebrew word "kikar." [Strong's #: 3603]
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ROW.OF.TENTS: A settlement usually larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town. [Strong's #: 2918]
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RUDDY: Having a healthy reddish color. [Strong's #: 132]
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RULE (Verb): To exert control, direction, or influence over, especially by curbing or restraining; to spread out through a land through authority or by walking among the subjects. [Strong's #: 7287]
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RUN (Verb): To go faster than a walk; Quickly bring (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 7323]
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