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SACK: A bag of cloth or skins for carrying foods or objects. [Strong's #: 8242]
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SACRIFICE: An animal killed for an offering. [Strong's #: 1685, 2077]
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SACRIFICE (Verb): An act of offering to deity something precious; to kill an animal for an offering. [Strong's #: 1684, 2076]
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SADDLE (Verb): A shaped mounted support on which an object can travel; to bind up with a saddle. [Strong's #: 2280]
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SADDLEBAG: One of a pair of covered pouches laid behind the saddle. For carrying items. [Strong's #: 4942]
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SAFEGUARD (Verb): The act or the duty of protecting or defending; to watch over or guard in the sense of preserving or protecting. To keep watch; Guardian (when written in the participle form). [Strong's #: 8104, 8109]
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SAFELY: A state or place of safety. [Strong's #: 983]
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SALT: An ingredient that adds flavor to food and used in preserving foods. [Strong's #: 4416, 4417, 4419]
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SAND: Loose granular material from the disintegration of rocks and consisting of particles not as fine as silt and used in mortar. Sand is used as an abrasive ingredient for drilling by placing it in the hole being drilled. [Strong's #: 2344]
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SANDAL: A shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot. [Strong's #: 5275]
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SAY (Verb): To speak chains of words that form sentences. [Strong's #: 559, 560]
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SCARLET: Any of various bright reds. [Strong's #: 8144]
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SCATTER (Verb): To fling away heedlessly. To separate and go in various directions. [Strong's #: 5310]
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SCATTER.ABROAD (Verb): To sow, cast or fling widely. [Strong's #: 6327]
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SCRAWNY: Wasted away physically. [Strong's #: 1851]
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SCROLL: A document or record written on a sheet of papyrus, leather or parchment and rolled up for storage. [Strong's #: 5609, 5612, 5613]
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SEA: A large body of water. Also, the direction of the great sea (the Mediterranean), the west. [Strong's #: 3220, 3221]
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SE'AH: A dry standard of measure equal to 1/3 ephah. [Strong's #: 5429]
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SEAL: A seal used officially to give personal authority to a document. A signature ring or cylinder with the owner's seal that is pressed into clay to show ownership. [Strong's #: 2368]
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SEARCH (Verb): To look thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something. [Strong's #: 2664]
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SEARCH.OUT (Verb): To intently look for someone or something until the object of the search is found. [Strong's #: 1245]
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SEAT: A special chair of one in eminence. Usually a throne or seat of authority. [Strong's #: 3678, 3764]
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SECOND: An ordinal number; Second time. [Strong's #: 8145]
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SECURE (Verb): Solidly fixed in place; to stand firm in the sense of a support. Not subject to change or revision; Support (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 539, 540]
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SEE (Verb): To take notice; to perceive something or someone; to see visions; Look, watch; appear (when written in the niphil [passive] form); show (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 7200, 7202, 7207, 7212]
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SEED: The grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing. Scattered in the field to produce a crop. The singular word can be used for one or more. Also, the descendants of an individual, either male or female. [Strong's #: 2233, 2234]
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SEEING.AS: In the degree that. Sense of paying attention. [Strong's #: 3282]
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SEEK (Verb): To look for or search for something or for answers; Require (when written in the niphil [passive] form). [Strong's #: 1875]
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SEIZE (Verb): To possess or take by force; grab hold tightly; to refrain or support by grabbing hold; Strengthen self (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form). [Strong's #: 2388]
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SEIZE.HOLD (Verb): To take hold of something by force. [Strong's #: 8610]
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SELF.WILL: Used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness. One's desire. [Strong's #: 7522]
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SELL (Verb): To give up property to another for money or another valuable compensation. [Strong's #: 4376]
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SEND (Verb): To cause to go; to direct, order, or request to go; Send off (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 7971, 7972]
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SEPARATE (Verb): To set or keep apart. [Strong's #: 914]
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SERPENT: A poisonous snake that hisses, creeps and bites. [Strong's #: 5175]
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SERVANT: One who provides a service to another, as a slave, bondservant or hired hand. [Strong's #: 5649, 5650, 5652, 5657]
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SERVE (Verb): To provide a service to another, as a servant or slave or to work at a profession. [Strong's #: 5647, 5648]
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SERVICE: Labor provided by a servant or slave. [Strong's #: 5656]
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SET.APART (Verb): To move or place someone or something separate from the whole for a special purpose. [Strong's #: 6942]
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SET.ASIDE (Verb): To reserve or put aside something in the sense of keeping in the shadow. [Strong's #: 680]
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SET.DOWN (Verb): To cause to sit down; to lay down. [Strong's #: 7896]
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SETTLE (Verb): To stay in a dwelling place for the night or for long periods of time; to sit down. [Strong's #: 3427, 3488]
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SETTLER: One who stays temporarily. Travels from place to place. [Strong's #: 8453]
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SETTLING: The place of sitting, resting or dwelling, usually temporarily. [Strong's #: 4186]
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SEVEN: A cardinal number; Seventy (when written in the plural). [Strong's #: 7651, 7657, 7655]
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SEVENTH: An ordinal number. [Strong's #: 7637]
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SEVENTH.TIME: A sequence of events ending with the seventh; Sevenfold (when written in the double plural). [Strong's #: 7659]
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SEW.TOGETHER (Verb): To join two pieces of cloth with stitches of thread. [Strong's #: 8609]
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SHA'AR: A standard of measure. [Strong's #: 8180]
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SHADOW: The dark figure cast on a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a light source. [Strong's #: 6738]
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SHAKE (Verb): To tremble in fear or anger. [Strong's #: 7264, 7265]
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SHAPE: The outline of an individual. [Strong's #: 8389]
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SHARPEN (Verb): To hone in the sense of narrowing the blade edge by using a whetstone or hammer. To narrow the eyes in the sense of looking sharply, as in squinting. [Strong's #: 3913]
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SHAVE (Verb): To cut off the hair from the face or another part of the body. [Strong's #: 1548]
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SHE: The female who is neither the speaker nor the one addressed; It, that, this. [Strong's #: 1931, 1932]
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SHE.DONKEY: A female ass. [Strong's #: 860]
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SHE.GOAT: A female goat. [Strong's #: 5795, 5796]
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SHEAR (Verb): To cut or clip wool or hair from something. [Strong's #: 1494]
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SHEAVE: Grains grown in fields watered by the flooding of the river. To gather and bind into a sheaf. Also, meaning a flood that gives water to the soil for growing crops. [Strong's #: 5451, 7641]
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SHEEP: A mammal related to the goat and domesticated for its milk, flesh and wool. [Strong's #: 3532, 3535, 3775]
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SHEET: A broad piece of cloth or metal. As hammered out flat. [Strong's #: 7549]
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SHEQEL: A chief Hebrew weight standard of measurement. [Strong's #: 8255, 8625]
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SHIELD: A broad piece of defensive armor carried on the arm. A protective structure. Wall of protection. [Strong's #: 4043]
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SHINE (Verb): To emit rays of light. Shine brightly. To shine or cause another to shine through one's actions or words; Endorse (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 1984]
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SHIP: A large sea-going vessel. As searching through the sea for a distant shore. [Strong's #: 591]
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SHORE: The land bordering a body of water. A place covered. [Strong's #: 2348]
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SHORT: Having little length. A brief distance. [Strong's #: 3530]
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SHOULDER: Capacity for bearing a task or blame. The shoulders as the place where loads are placed. [Strong's #: 7926]
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SHRUB: A low-growing, usually severally stemmed bush or woody plant, as used for making booths. [Strong's #: 7880]
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SHUT (Verb): To close or block an opening. [Strong's #: 5462, 5463, 5534]
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SHUT.UP (Verb): To stop by halting or closing. [Strong's #: 5640]
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SIDE: An area next to something. [Strong's #: 6654, 6655]
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SIGHTLESSNESS: Sightless; unquestioning, as having no regard to rational discrimination, guidance or restriction. As a shutting of the eyes. [Strong's #: 5575]
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SIGN: The motion, gesture, or mark representing an agreement between two parties. A wondrous or miraculous sign. [Strong's #: 226, 852]
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SILVER: A soft metal capable of a high degree of polish used for coinage, implements and ornaments. A desired and precious metal. [Strong's #: 3701, 3702]
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SIMMER (Verb): To cook a soup over a fire. To be heated with pride or anger. [Strong's #: 2102, 2103]
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SINCE: From a time in the past until now, in the sense of being on the heel of something else. [Strong's #: 6118]
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SINEW: A tendon of the muscles. [Strong's #: 1517]
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SISTER: A female who has the same parents as another or shares one parent with another. [Strong's #: 269]
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SIX: A cardinal number; Sixty (when written in the plural). [Strong's #: 8337, 8346, 8353, 8361]
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SIXTH: An ordinal number. [Strong's #: 8345]
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SKILLED.ONE: A person characterized by a deep understanding of a craft; One with the ability to decide or discern between good and bad, right and wrong. [Strong's #: 2450]
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SKIN: The integument covering men or animals, as well as leather made from animal skins. The husk of a seed. [Strong's #: 5784, 5785]
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SKIN.BAG: A container made from the skin of animal, usually a goat or sheep, and used for holding milk, water or other liquid. [Strong's #: 2573]
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SKY: The upper atmosphere that constitutes an apparent great vault or arch over the earth. Place of the winds. [Strong's #: 8064, 8065]
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SLANDER: Speaking evil of another (usually done quietly). [Strong's #: 1681]
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SLAUGHTERING: The act of slaughtering, the meat of the slaughter or one who slaughters. Also an executioner as one who slaughters. [Strong's #: 2874, 2876, 2877]
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SLAY (Verb): To strike, beat or kill. [Strong's #: 7819, 7820]
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SLEEP (Verb): To rest in a state of suspended consciousness. [Strong's #: 3462]
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SLICK: The portions dispersed out. [Strong's #: 2509]
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SLIP.AWAY (Verb): To get away through deliverance or escape. [Strong's #: 4422]
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SMALL: Someone or something that is not very large in size, importance, age or significance. [Strong's #: 6996]
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SMALL.AMOUNT: Something that is few or small in size or amount; Small thing; might have (when prefixed with "like~"). [Strong's #: 4592]
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SMEAR (Verb): To overspread with oil for medical treatment or as a sign of authority. [Strong's #: 4886]
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SMELL (Verb): The odor or scent of a thing. As carried on the wind. To be "refreshed", as when taking in a deep breath. [Strong's #: 7304, 7306]
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SMOKE: The gaseous products of combustion. [Strong's #: 6226, 6227]
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SMOKING: To burn sluggishly without flame. The smoke of the burning incense or fat. [Strong's #: 7008]
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SMOOTH: Having an even, continuous surface. This word can also mean "flattery" in the sense of being slippery. [Strong's #: 2513, 2514]
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SNAP (Verb): To make a sudden closing; to break suddenly with a sharp sound; to splinter a piece of wood; to lash out in anger as a splintering. [Strong's #: 7107, 7108]
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SNIP.OFF(Verb): To cut off the front part (Often used in the context of circumcision). [Strong's #: 4135]
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SNOOZE: To take a nap. [Strong's #: 8139, 8142]
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SO: In a manner or way indicated or suggested. What comes before or after another event; Should, thus; because of this (when prefixed with "to~"). [Strong's #: 3651, 3652]
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SOFTLY: Free from harshness, sternness, or violence. To act softly. A charmer. [Strong's #: 328]
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SOJOURN (Verb): To stay as a temporary resident. Travel in a strange land. Also, the extended meaning of "to be afraid" of a stranger. [Strong's #: 1481]
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SOLITARY: Separated from the whole of the unit (see Psalm 68:7 [6]). [Strong's #: 3173]
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SON: A male offspring. This can be the son or a later male descendant of the father. One who continues the family line. [Strong's #: 1121, 1123, 1247, 1248]
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SONG: The act or art of singing. [Strong's #: 7892]
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SORROW: Deep distress and regret. [Strong's #: 3015]
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SOW (Verb): To spread seeds on the ground; to plant a crop. [Strong's #: 2232]
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SPARE (Verb): To forbear to destroy, punish, or harm; give asylum. Give refuge to another. [Strong's #: 2347]
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SPEAK (Verb): A careful arrangement of words or commands said orally. [Strong's #: 1696]
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SPECKLED: The spots marking sheep and goats. [Strong's #: 5348]
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SPEECH: The chain of words when speaking. [Strong's #: 565]
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SPICE: Various aromatic vegetable products used to season or flavor foods. [Strong's #: 5219]
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SPIT.UPON (Verb): To eject saliva, usually on another in spite or disrespect. [Strong's #: 779]
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SPLIT (Verb): To divide lengthwise. [Strong's #: 6385, 6386]
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SPOIL: Plunder taken from an enemy in war or robbery. To impair the quality or effect of. [Strong's #: 7998]
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SPOT (Verb): A small area visibly different from the surrounding area. To be covered with spots. [Strong's #: 2921]
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SPOTTED: An animal with white spots which appear as hailstones. [Strong's #: 1261]
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SPREAD.WIDE (Verb): To lay out in a large area; Persuade (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 6601]
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SPRING: A source of water issuing from the ground. As the eye of the ground. [Strong's #: 4599]
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SPRING.UP (Verb): To grow up as a plant. [Strong's #: 6779]
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SPROUT (Verb): To send up or out new growth, as of a plant. Sprout green sprouts. [Strong's #: 1876]
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STAFF: A walking stick made from the branch of a tree. Also, a tribe as a branch of the family. [Strong's #: 7625, 7626]
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STAGGER (Verb): To reel from side to side; to wag or shake back and forth or up and down; to wander as staggering about. [Strong's #: 5128]
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STALK: The main stem and support of a plant. [Strong's #: 7070]
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STAND (Verb): To rise, raise or set in a place. [Strong's #: 5975, 5976]
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STAND.UP (Verb): To be vertical in position; to stand tall and erect; to set in place. [Strong's #: 5324]
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STAR: A natural luminous body visible in the night sky. [Strong's #: 3556]
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STARE (Verb): To carefully look; to make a close inspection. [Strong's #: 5027]
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STATEMENT: A single declaration or remark. [Strong's #: 561]
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STAY.THE.NIGHT (Verb): To remain or stay through the night. [Strong's #: 3885]
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STEADFAST.ONE: One that makes or sets right. Conforming to fact, standard or truth. [Strong's #: 6662]
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STEADFASTNESS: Conformity to fact, standard or truth. [Strong's #: 6666]
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STEAL (Verb): To wrongfully take the property of another; rob; Steal away (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 1589]
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STERILE: Failing to produce or incapable of producing offspring, fruit or spores. Being without children in the sense of being plucked of fruit. [Strong's #: 6135]
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STEW: An edible dish of meat or vegetables cooked in boiling water. [Strong's #: 5138]
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STINK (Verb): To emit a bad odor or be loathsome. [Strong's #: 887, 888]
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STIR (Verb): To disturb the quiet of; agitate. [Strong's #: 926, 927]
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STONE: A piece of rock, often in the context of building material. [Strong's #: 68, 69]
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STOOP (Verb): To bend the body forward and downward while bending the knees; to stoop or crouch down by bending or getting on the knees. [Strong's #: 3766]
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STOP (Verb): To cause to cease; to stop from occurring in the sense of halting, shutting or restraining. [Strong's #: 6113]
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STRANGER: A foreigner that permanently or temporarily resides with a native. A person or thing unknown or with whom one is unacquainted. [Strong's #: 1616]
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STRAW: Stalks of grain after threshing; dry, stalky plant residue. When more permanent structures were built, they were constructed of stones and bricks made of clay and straw; replacing the tent panels as the main component of construction for dwellings. [Strong's #: 8401]
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STREAM: A body of running water; any body of flowing water. [Strong's #: 2975]
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STREET: A thoroughfare, especially in a city, town or village. [Strong's #: 7339]
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STRENGTH: The quality or state of being strong. [Strong's #: 3581]
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STRETCH.OUT (Verb): To lie or stretch out as to rest; to crouch down to hide for an ambush. [Strong's #: 7257]
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STRIP: To remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from. As peeled. [Strong's #: 6479]
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STRIPED: Having stripes or streaks. As appearing to be whipped with a cord. [Strong's #: 6124]
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STRIPED.BRUISE: Marks made by ropes binding the wrist or lashes with a rope. [Strong's #: 2250]
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STRIVE (Verb): A ground of dispute or complaint. A clash between sides. [Strong's #: 6229]
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STRONG: Having or marked by great physical strength. [Strong's #: 5794]
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SUBDUE (Verb): To conquer and bring into subjection; bring under control. Place the foot on the land in the sense of subduing it. Also, to place one's foot into another nation in the sense of subduing it. [Strong's #: 3533]
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SUBMERGE (Verb): To hide by burying or covering. [Strong's #: 2934]
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SUBSIDE (Verb): Become quiet or less. To calm down or set down. [Strong's #: 7918]
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SUBSTANCE: A fundamental or characteristic part or quality. Any standing thing or person. [Strong's #: 3351]
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SUBTLE: Difficult to understand or distinguish. In craftiness or prudence. [Strong's #: 6175]
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SUCKLE (Verb): To give milk to from the breast or udder; Nurse (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 3243]
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SUMMER: The season between spring and autumn. [Strong's #: 7007, 7019]
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SUMMIT: The head, top or beginning of a place, such as a river or mountain, or a time, such as an event. The best or most important. The point at which something starts; origin, source. [Strong's #: 7225]
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SUN: The luminous body around which the earth revolves and from which it receives heat and light. [Strong's #: 8121, 8122]
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SUPPORT (Verb): To uphold or defend; to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for. [Strong's #: 5564]
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SURE: Safe from danger or harm; marked by or given to feelings of confident certainty. What is firm. [Strong's #: 545, 546, 548]
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SURELY: In a sure manner. To be firm in something; However, only. [Strong's #: 389, 403]
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SUSTAIN (Verb): To provide what is needed to make someone or something whole or complete. [Strong's #: 3557]
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SWALLOW (Verb): To pass through the mouth and move into the esophagus to the stomach. [Strong's #: 1104]
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SWARM (Verb): To move, as a large mass of creatures. [Strong's #: 8317]
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SWARMER: The creature(s) of a large swarm. [Strong's #: 8318]
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SWEAR (Verb): To completely submit to a promise or oath with words and spoken seven times. [Strong's #: 7650]
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SWEARING: The act of taking an oath. [Strong's #: 7621]
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SWEAT: To excrete moisture in visible quantities through the pores of the skin. [Strong's #: 2188]
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SWEET: Pleasing to the taste. Not sour, bitter or salty. Something that smells pleasing. [Strong's #: 5207, 5208]
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SWORD: A weapon with a long blade for cutting or thrusting. [Strong's #: 2719]
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