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YEAR: The period of around 365 solar days. [Strong's #: 8140, 8141]
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YEARNING: To long persistently, wistfully, or sadly. What is desired, whether good or bad. [Strong's #: 8378]
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YELL: A vehement protest; a loud cry. [Strong's #: 2201]
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YESTERDAY: On the day last past. Idiomatic for a time past. [Strong's #: 8543]
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YET.AGAIN: A repeating of something; Again, also, another, continue, even, ever, more, still, while, yet. [Strong's #: 5750, 5751]
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YIELD (Verb): To produce or be productive. [Strong's #: 1580]
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YOKE: A wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals are joined at the heads or necks for working together. [Strong's #: 5923]
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YOU(FP): Pronoun, second person, feminine plural. [Strong's #: 859]
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YOU(FS): Pronoun, second person, feminine singular. [Strong's #: 859]
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YOU(MP): Pronoun, second person, masculine plural. [Strong's #: 859]
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YOU(MS): Pronoun, second person, masculine singular. [Strong's #: 607, 608]
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YOUNG.AGE: A person of short life. [Strong's #: 5271]
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YOUNG.MAIDEN: A young female of marriageable age or newly married as at the prime age for work. [Strong's #: 5959]
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YOUNG.MAN: A male that has moved from youth to young adulthood. [Strong's #: 5288, 5289]
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YOUNG.PIGEON: A young featherless bird as plucked. [Strong's #: 1469]
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YOUNG.WOMAN: A female that has moved from youth to young adulthood. [Strong's #: 5291]
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YOUTHFULNESS: Young acting no matter the age. [Strong's #: 6812]
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