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Topics The Psalms

TheThe Psalms: A Mechanical Translation (Website)
A new and unique translation of the Torah that faithfully translates each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix consistently and provides new insights into the Biblical text.

TheThe Psalms: A Mechanical Translation (Video)
If you are not familiar with my Mechanical Translation, let me explain it using Psalm 1, which I have already completed.

TheThe Poetry of Psalm 23 (Article)
A look at the chiastic structure of Psalm 23 by Christine Miller.

StudiesStudies in the Psalms: Psalm 1 (Article)
A word for word analysis that will open up these inspirational Psalms to enhance your prayer life, devotions, sermons and bible studies.

StudiesStudies in the Psalms: Psalm 23 (Article)
A word for word analysis that will open up these inspirational Psalms to enhance your prayer life, devotions, sermons and bible studies.

PsalmPsalm 22:17: "Like a lion" or "they pierced?" (Article)
The Hebrew word ka'aru is found in one verse, Psalm 22:17 (verse 16 in Christian Bibles) and is a much debated verse.