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Mr. Benner helps bring Paleo-Hebrew back to life in Jerusalem

By Jeff A. Benner

On May 18, 2009, I received the following E-mail from Saul A. Fox about the Archaeological Garden in Jersusalem;

Dear Mr. Benner-

Thank you so much for opening my mind. Your teachings inspired me to add Paleo-Hebrew to the dedication inscriptions that now stands in front of the Archeological Garden constructed at the Knesset. Paleo-Hebrew is now alive again in Jerusalem at the very center of the reestablished State of Israel.

Below is my dedication speech.

Thank you again. You have made Paleo-Hebrew live again in Jerusalem.

Most sincerely,
Saul Fox

The Archeological Garden in the Knesset | Peace be within thy Palaces | Jerusalem Antiquities in the Knesset

Speech Presented by: Saul A. Fox (May, 5th 2009)

My family feels extraordinarily fortunate to have been asked by the Israel Antiquities Authority to assist in a small way with the construction of this magnificent archeological garden, truly an un-walled museum, exemplifying the history of the land of Israel, here in the very midst of Jerusalem, our sacred ancient capital and the holiest of cities, affixed to the Knesset the most significant Jewish edifice of our era where we, the children of Israel, having returned from compelled dispersion to liberate and resettle the Promised Land and having reestablished Israel as a nation among the nations, through prodigious and arduous efforts and sacrifice, democratically and righteously govern our own affairs.

Paleo-Hebrew as part of the Dedication Plaque at the Knesset in Jerusalem, May 2009

Archaeological Garden Dedication Video