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Topics Definition of Hebrew Names


By Jeff A. Benner

The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. (KJV, Isaiah 1:1)

The name ישעיהו (y'sha'ya'hu, Strong's #3470), also written as ישעיה (y'sha'yah), is formed by two words, ישע (yesha) and יהו (yahu) or יה (yah). Both יהו and יה are derivatives of the name יהוה (YHWH, often transliterated as Yahweh or Yehovah). ישע (Y.Sh.Ah, Strong's #3467) is a verb that means to "save." This specific conjugation of the verb means "he saves," where the "he" is יהו (yahu). Put together, this name means "Yahu/Yah saves." Most names that begin with the letter י (yud), such as with the name ישעיהו, are Latinized with the letter "J," which originally had a "Y" sound and still does in the Slavic languages today. While the name ישעיהו is Latinized as Jeshaiah and Jesaiah in the books of 1 Chronicles and Ezra, the prophet ישעיהו is Latinized as Isaiah.

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