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Topics Definition of Hebrew Names


By Jeff A. Benner

This Biblical name has made a comeback today; in fact it is the name of my firstborn son. In Biblical Hebrew this name is written as יאשיה (yo'shi'yah, Strong's #2977). This name is a combination of two words. The first is יאשי (yo'shi), which means "he heals me," and is derived from the verbal root אשה (A.Sh.H), which does not appear in the Hebrew Bible, but does in other Semitic languages such as Arabic, and means to "heal." The second is the word יה (Yah, Strong's #3050), the shortened form of the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH, Strong's #3068). When these two words are combined in the name יאשיה (yo'shi'yah, Strong's #2977) they mean "Yah heals me."

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