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UNAWARE: Without design, attention, preparation, or premeditation; Not. [Strong's #: 1097]
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UNCIRCUMCISED: A male with a foreskin. [Strong's #: 6189]
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UNCOVER (Verb): To remove the covering. [Strong's #: 6168]
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UNDER: Beneath. Below or underneath. Also, to be underneath in the sense of being in place of something else; By, in place of, underneath; below (when prefixed with "from~"). [Strong's #: 8478, 8479]
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UNDERSTAND (Verb): To grasp the meaning of; to have comprehension. [Strong's #: 995]
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UNDERWORLD: The place of the dead. [Strong's #: 7585]
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UNFILLED: Empty. As an empty box that needs to be filled. [Strong's #: 922]
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UNIT: A unit within the whole, a unified group. A single quantity; First, one, other; few (when in the plural form). [Strong's #: 259]
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UNITE (Verb): To put together to form a single unit. [Strong's #: 3161]
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UNLEAVENED.BREAD: A hard and flat bread or cake made without yeast. [Strong's #: 4682]
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UNLESS: Except on the condition that. [Strong's #: 3884]
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UNTIL: The conclusion of a determinate period of time. Also, again; a repetition of time, either definite or indefinite; another time; once more; Again, also, as far as, as well as, before, beyond, by, concerning, even, for, unto. [Strong's #: 5703, 5704, 5705]
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UPHOLD (Verb): To give support or to steady. [Strong's #: 8551]
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UPON: To be on or over in the sense of the yoke that is placed on the neck of the ox; About, above, according to, also, because, by, concerning, in, in addition, over, with. [Strong's #: 5921, 5922]
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UPPER: Higher than the others. [Strong's #: 5945, 5946]
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UPRISING: Violence in defiance of something. Something that is lifted up such as a burden, gift or flame. [Strong's #: 4864]
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UPWARD: In a direction from lower to higher; Above, top (when prefixed with "to~"). [Strong's #: 4605]
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