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Lesson 10: Zayin & Pey

By Jeff A. Benner


ז The "zayin" is pronounced "z" as in zebra.

פ The "pey" is pronounced two different ways. If the letter appears with a "dagesh" in the middle of the letter (), it is pronounced "p" as in pet (This form of the letter is called the "pey"). If the letter appears without the "dagesh" (פ), it is pronounced "ph" as in phone (This form of the letter is called a "phey").

ף The final "pey" will never include a dagesh in the letter and so will be pronounced "ph" as in phone.


אֳ The Hhataph qamats. This vowel works the same as the "sheva" with a pronunciation of "a" as in father.

פֱ פֳ פֶ פֵּ זֻ זֵ זָ זִ זוֹ פּוֹ פִי .1 Audio
זָה זֵא אַף אֵז הֶז זֶא פֲז זֶף .2 Audio
פֹּחַ פָּן שֳׁז שַׁז כַּף זֵך קֻף .3 Audio

Which, Who אֳשֶׁר .1 Audio
Make, Do (Masc. Verb) עָשָׂה .2 Audio
Face (Masc. Noun) פָּנִים .3 Audio

Genesis 1:11
Vocabulary words learned in the lessons are highlighted in blue and the prefixes in red.

וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים תַּדְשֵׁא הָאָרֶץ דֶּשֶׁא עֵשֶׂב מַזְרִיעַ זֶרַע עֵץ פְּרִי עֹשֶׂה פְּרִי לְמִינוֹ אֲשֶׁר זַרְעוֹ בוֹ עַל הָאָרֶץ וַיְהִי כֵן

Go to Lesson #11

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language

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