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AHLB - Tsade

( צא ) Action: Go out, Issue Object: Excrement Definition: To issue out of something. Relationships: This parent root is related to צו and צי. Ancient Hebrew: The is a picture of a man laying down or squatting.

( fem., צא ) Translation: EXCREMENT Relationship to Root: In the sense of issuing out of a man. KJV Translations: come Strong's Hebrew #: h.6627

( masc., צאצא ) Translation: OFFSPRING Definition: [To be verified] What issues out of a generation. KJV Translations: offspring, come Strong's Hebrew #: h.6631

( צוא )

( masc., צוא ) Translation: FILTHY Definition: [To be verified] Something soiled with excrement. KJV Translations: filthy Strong's Hebrew #: h.6674

( fem., צואה ) Translation: EXCREMENT KJV Translations: dung, filthiness, filth Strong's Hebrew #: h.6675

( יצא ) Definition: An issuing out of one place to another.

( common, יצא / y.ts.a ) Translation: GO.OUT (V) Definition: To go, come or issue forth. Alternate Translations: bring out (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: out, forth, bring, come, proceed, go, depart, finished Strong's Hebrew #: h.3318 Strong's Aramaic #: a.3319

( masc., מוצא ) Translation: GOING.OUT Definition: Coming or issuing out, such as a spring or words from the mouth. KJV Translations: out, go, spring, brought, east, bud, outgoing, proceed Strong's Hebrew #: h.4161

( fem., מוצאה ) Translation: ORIGIN Definition: [To be verified] The history of where one is issued out from. What comes out of man. KJV Translations: draught, going Strong's Hebrew #: h.4163

( masc., יציא ) Translation: EXCREMENT Definition: [To be verified] What comes out of man. KJV Translations: come Strong's Hebrew #: h.3329

( fem., תוצאה ) Translation: GOINGS KJV Translations: going, outgoing, issue, border Strong's Hebrew #: h.8444

( צב ) Action: Stand, Muster, Swell Object: Wall, Army, Pillar, Pile, Handful Abstract: Truth Definition: The walls of the tent enclose what is inside. The tent walls stand firm and strong, protecting it from the harsh elements. As the family swells in size, the tent walls are enlarged. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man on his side, the is a picture of a tent. Combined these mean "side of the tent".

( masc., צב ) Translation: COVERED Definition: Something laid over something for concealment or protection. KJV Translations: covered, litter, tortoise Strong's Hebrew #: h.6632(x2)

( masc., צב ) Translation: TORTOISE Definition: An unknown creature, but probably a turtle or tortoise because of it's protective shell. KJV Translations: covered, litter, tortoise Strong's Hebrew #: h.6632(x2)

( masc., מצב ) Translation: GARRISON Definition: [To be verified] The walled in army. Alternate Spellings: נצב KJV Translations: garrison, station, stood Strong's Hebrew #: h.4673(x2)

( fem., מצבה ) Translation: GARRISON Definition: [To be verified] The walled in army. KJV Translations: garrison, army Strong's Hebrew #: h.4675

( masc., צבי ) ( fem., צביה ) Translation: GAZELLE Definition: A small antelope. Relationship to Root: In the sense of a herd being an army. KJV Translations: roe, roebuck, glory, glorious, beautiful, beauty, goodly, pleasant Strong's Hebrew #: h.6643, h.6646

( masc., צבו ) Translation: FOR.THAT.MATTER Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: purpose Strong's Aramaic #: a.6640

( אצב ) Definition: The mustering of an army as a wall of protection.

( masc., אצבון ) Translation: WORKING Definition: [To be verified] (A word of uncertain meaning) KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( צבא ) Definition: The mustering of an army as a wall of protection.

( common, צבא / ts.b.a ) Translation: MUSTER (V) Definition: To gather together a group for service, work or war. KJV Translations: fight, assemble, muster, war, perform, wait Strong's Hebrew #: h.6633

( fem., צבא / tse-va ) Translation: ARMY Definition: A large organized group mustered together and armed for war or service. KJV Translations: host, war, army, battle, service Strong's Hebrew #: h.6635

( צבה ) Definition: As the family grows the tent is enlarged and seen as a swelling of the tent.

( common, צבה / ts.b.h ) Translation: SWELL (V) KJV Translations: swell, fight Strong's Hebrew #: h.6638

( masc., צבה ) Translation: SWELLING KJV Translations: swell Strong's Hebrew #: h.6639

( יצב ) Definition: A standing firm and fast as a wall.

( common, יצב / y.ts.b ) Translation: STATION (V) Definition: To stand firm and in place. KJV Translations: stand, present, set, withstand, remain, resort, truth Strong's Hebrew #: h.3320 Strong's Aramaic #: a.3321

( masc., יציב ) Translation: TRUTH Definition: [To be verified] What stands firm. KJV Translations: true, truth, certainty, certain Strong's Aramaic #: a.3330

( נצב ) Definition: The firm standing of a pillar. Relationship to Parent: as a wall standing firm and erect

( common, נצב / n.ts.b ) Translation: STAND.UP (V) Definition: To be vertical in position; to stand tall and erect; to set in place. KJV Translations: stand, set, officer, upright, appoint, deputy, erect, establish Strong's Hebrew #: h.5324

( masc., מנצב ) Translation: STANDING Alternate Spellings: מצב KJV Translations: stood Strong's Hebrew #: h.4673(x2)

( fem., מצבה / ma-tsey-vah ) Translation: MONUMENT Definition: A lasting evidence, reminder, or example of someone or something. As standing tall and firm. KJV Translations: image, pillar, garrison Strong's Hebrew #: h.4676

( fem., מנצבת ) Translation: PILLAR Definition: [To be verified] As standing tall and firm. Alternate Spellings: מצבת KJV Translations: pillar, substance Strong's Hebrew #: h.4678

( masc., נציב / ne-tsiv ) Translation: POST Definition: The place at which a soldier is stationed. As standing tall and firm. A garrison. KJV Translations: pillar Strong's Hebrew #: h.5333

( masc., ניצב ) Translation: HAFT Definition: [To be verified] The handle of a sword or knife which the blade is set into. KJV Translations: haft Strong's Hebrew #: h.5325

( fem., ניצבה ) Translation: FIRMNESS KJV Translations: strength Strong's Aramaic #: a.5326

( masc., מנוצב ) Translation: TOWER Definition: [To be verified] As standing tall and firm. Alternate Spellings: מצב KJV Translations: mount Strong's Hebrew #: h.4674

( צבט ) Definition: A reaching out to grasp something. Relationship to Parent: as enclosed in a wall

( common, צבט ) Translation: GRASP (V) KJV Translations: reach Strong's Hebrew #: h.6642

( צבר ) Relationship to Parent: as a swelling

( common, צבר / ts.b.r ) Translation: PILE.UP (V) Definition: To heap something up in a mound. KJV Translations: heap, gather, lay Strong's Hebrew #: h.6651

( masc., צבר ) Translation: PILE Definition: [To be verified] A mound of something. KJV Translations: heap Strong's Hebrew #: h.6652

( צבת ) Relationship to Parent: as enclosed in a wall

( masc., צבת ) Translation: HANDFUL KJV Translations: handful Strong's Hebrew #: h.6653

( צג ) Action: Set

( יצג ) Definition: A placing in a specific location.

( common, יצג / y.ts.g ) Translation: LEAVE.IN.PLACE (V) Definition: To put or place something in a specific location. Alternate Translations: present (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: set, made, put, establish, leave, present, stay Strong's Hebrew #: h.3322

( צד ) Action: Hide, Lay down, Hunt, Correct, Limp Object: Side, Snare, Meat, Flank, Straight Abstract: Stronghold, Righteous Definition: One lies down to sleep, hide or ambush. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the side of a man.

( masc., צד / tsad ) Translation: SIDE Definition: One of the surfaces forming the outside of or bounding a thing; an area next to something. Edenics: side KJV Translations: side, beside, another, concerning, against Strong's Hebrew #: h.6654 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6655

( masc., מצד ) Translation: STRONGHOLD Definition: [To be verified] A hiding place surrounded by sides. KJV Translations: stronghold, hold, castle, fort, munition Strong's Hebrew #: h.4679

( fem., מצודה ) Translation: STRONGHOLD Definition: [To be verified] A hiding place surrounded by sides. KJV Translations: fortress, hold, snare, stronghold, castle, fort, defense Strong's Hebrew #: h.4686

( צדד )

( masc., צדד / ze-dad ) Translation: MOUNTAINSIDE Definition: The side or slope of a mountain. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( צדה )

( common, צדה / ts.d.h ) Translation: LAY.IN.WAIT (V) Definition: To hide in ambush. KJV Translations: wait, hunt, destroy Strong's Hebrew #: h.6658

( masc., צדה ) Translation: TRUE Definition: [To be verified] Posed as a question, "is it true", as if laying something down for investigation. KJV Translations: true Aramaic Spelling: צדא Strong's Aramaic #: a.6656

( fem., צדיה ) Translation: AMBUSH Definition: A laying down in wait for the purpose of attacking. KJV Translations: lay Strong's Hebrew #: h.6660

( צוד )

( masc., מצוד ) ( fem., מצודה ) Translation: SNARE Definition: [To be verified] A tool used for trapping animals while the hunter lies in wait. KJV Translations: net, snare, bulwark, munition, hold Strong's Hebrew #: h.4685

( ציד )

( common, ציד / ts.y.d ) Translation: HUNT (V) Definition: To attempt to find something with the intent to capture. Hunt in the sense of laying in ambush. Alternate Spellings: צוד KJV Translations: hunt, take, chase, provision, sore Strong's Hebrew #: h.6679

( masc., ציד / tsa-yad ) Translation: HUNTER Definition: One who searches for something. Lays in ambush. KJV Translations: hunter Strong's Hebrew #: h.6719

( fem., צידה / tsi-dah ) Translation: PROVISIONS Definition: A stock of needed materials. The produce of the hunt. Also, used for "food" in general. KJV Translations: venison, victuals, provision, meat Strong's Hebrew #: h.6720

( masc., צייד / tsa-yid ) Translation: GAME Definition: Animals being pursued or taken in hunting. The produce of the hunt. Alternate Spellings: ציד KJV Translations: venison, hunter, victuals, provision, hunting, catch, food, hunting Strong's Hebrew #: h.6718

( masc., צידון / tsa-yid ) Translation: HUNTING Definition: The act of stalking and killing game for the purpose of providing food and skins. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( סטר )

( masc., סטר ) Translation: FLANK KJV Translations: side Strong's Aramaic #: a.7859

( צדק ) Definition: To follow a traveled path to prevent from getting lost. Relationship to Parent: In the sense of a straight path from the straightness of the side.

( common, צדק / ts.d.q ) Translation: BE.STEADFAST (V) Definition: To walk on the right path without losing the way. KJV Translations: justify, righteous, just, justice, cleanse, clear, righteousness Strong's Hebrew #: h.6663

( masc., צדק ) Translation: STEADFAST Definition: The following of the established path or course of action. KJV Translations: righteousness, just, justice, righteous, right Strong's Hebrew #: h.6664

( fem., צדקה / tse-de-qah ) Translation: STEADFASTNESS Definition: Conformity to fact, standard or truth. KJV Translations: righteousness, justice, right, righteous, moderate Strong's Hebrew #: h.6666

( masc., צדיק / tsa-diq ) Translation: STEADFAST.ONE Definition: One that makes or sets right. Conforming to fact, standard or truth. KJV Translations: righteous, just, lawful Strong's Hebrew #: h.6662

( fem., צידקה ) Translation: CORRECTNESS KJV Translations: righteousness Strong's Aramaic #: a.6665

( צלע )

( common, צלע / ts.l.ah ) Translation: LIMP (V) Definition: To walk lamely, especially favoring one leg; to go unsteadily; to proceed with difficulty or slowly. From damage to the ridge of the hip. KJV Translations: halt Strong's Hebrew #: h.6760

( fem., צלע ) Translation: LIMP Definition: [To be verified] From damage to the ridge of the hip. KJV Translations: halt, adversity Strong's Hebrew #: h.6761

( צו ) Action: Direct Object: Direction Relationships: This parent root is related to צא and צץ through the idea of migration as an issuing out.

( fem., צו ) Translation: DIRECTIONS Definition: A set of instructions given to guide one on a moral or physical path. KJV Translations: precept, commandment Strong's Hebrew #: h.6673

( צוה )

( common, צוה / ts.w.h ) Translation: DIRECT (V) Definition: To cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course; give instructions or orders for a path to be taken. KJV Translations: command, charge, commandment, appoint, bade, order, commander Strong's Hebrew #: h.6680

( fem., מצוה / mits-wah ) Translation: DIRECTIVE Definition: The direction to go. Serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence; serving to point direction. KJV Translations: commandment, precept, law, ordinance Strong's Hebrew #: h.4687

( צח ) Action: Shout, Cry Object: Desert, Dry, White Definition: The desert as a hot and dry place. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man on his side representing trouble, the is a picture of a wall that separates the inside from the outside. Combined these mean "trouble outside".

( masc., צח ) Translation: DRY KJV Translations: white, clear, plainly, dry Strong's Hebrew #: h.6703

( צחח )

( common, צחח ) Translation: WHITE (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be white. From the drying and bleaching of things left in the sun. KJV Translations: white Strong's Hebrew #: h.6705

( masc., צחיח ) Translation: TOP Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: top Strong's Hebrew #: h.6706

( fem., צחיחה ) Translation: DRY KJV Translations: dry Strong's Hebrew #: h.6707

( fem., צחצחה ) Translation: DESERT KJV Translations: drought Strong's Hebrew #: h.6710

( masc., צחיחי ) Translation: TOP Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: high place Strong's Hebrew #: h.6708

( צחה )

( masc., ציחה ) Translation: DRIED KJV Translations: dried Strong's Hebrew #: h.6704

( צוח )

( common, צוח ) Translation: SHOUT (V) KJV Translations: shout Strong's Hebrew #: h.6681

( fem., צוחה ) Translation: SHOUT KJV Translations: cry, crying, complaining Strong's Hebrew #: h.6682

( צחר ) Relationship to Parent: from the bleaching by the sun

( masc., צחר ) Translation: GRAY KJV Translations: white Strong's Hebrew #: h.6713

( masc., צחור ) Translation: REDDISH.GRAY KJV Translations: white Strong's Hebrew #: h.6715

( masc., צוחר / tso-hhar ) Translation: REDDISH.GRAY Definition: A dark grayish ruddy color. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( צעק ) Definition: A loud calling or crying out for help or to gather an assembly.

( common, צעק / ts.ah.q ) Translation: CRY.OUT (V) Definition: To cry or call out loudly. KJV Translations: cry, gather, call, gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.6817

( fem., צעקה / tse-a-qah ) Translation: CRY Definition: To utter loudly; to shout; to shed tears, often noisily. A loud crying or calling out. KJV Translations: cry, crying Strong's Hebrew #: h.6818

( רזח ) Definition: A raising up of the voice in mourning or feasting.

( masc., מרזח ) Translation: BANQUET Definition: [To be verified] A place of crying out in joy. KJV Translations: mourning Strong's Hebrew #: h.4798

( masc., מרזח ) Translation: MOURNING Definition: [To be verified] A place of crying out in sadness. KJV Translations: banquet Strong's Hebrew #: h.4797

( צי ) Action: Nomad Object: Desert Definition: The desert nomad's life was a continual traveling from one location to another always hunting for pastures. The stars and terrain served as landmarks to guide the nomad on his journey. Relationships: This parent root is related to צא and צו through the idea of migration as an issuing out.

( masc., צי ) Translation: NOMAD Definition: A member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply. Also a ship as a nomad of the sea. KJV Translations: ship Strong's Hebrew #: h.6716

( fem., ציה ) Translation: DESERT KJV Translations: dry, wilderness, drought, solitary, barren Strong's Hebrew #: h.6723

( masc., ציי ) Translation: DESERT KJV Translations: desert, wilderness Strong's Hebrew #: h.6728

( masc., ציון ) Translation: LANDMARK Definition: [To be verified] The marks in the desert which the nomad follows as road signs. Edenics: sign KJV Translations: dry, title, waymark, sign Strong's Hebrew #: h.6724, h.6725

( צך ) Action: Press Object: Burden Abstract: Stress, Anguish

( צוך )

( common, צוך / ts.w.k ) Translation: HARASS (V) Definition: To press into a tight place, an oppression. Alternate Spellings: צוק KJV Translations: distress, oppressor, sore, press, straiten Strong's Hebrew #: h.6693

( masc., צוך ) ( fem., צוכה ) Translation: BURDEN Definition: [To be verified] A heavy load that causes a pressing. Alternate Spellings: צוק צוקה KJV Translations: anguish Strong's Hebrew #: h.6695

( masc., מצוך ) Translation: STRESS Definition: Activity or circumstance that causes oppression. Alternate Spellings: מצוק KJV Translations: straightness, distress, anguish Strong's Hebrew #: h.4689

( fem., מצוכה ) Translation: STRESS Definition: [To be verified] Something that causes oppression. Alternate Spellings: מצקה מצוקה KJV Translations: distress, anguish Strong's Hebrew #: h.4691

( יצך )

( masc., מוצך ) Translation: ANGUISH Alternate Spellings: מוצק KJV Translations: straitness, straitened, vexation Strong's Hebrew #: h.4164

( צל ) Action: Sink, Pray, Shout, Roast, Deliver, Advance Object: Shadow, Image, Shade, Near, Tree, Deep, Bowl Definition: A place of shadows.

( masc., צל / tseyl ) Translation: SHADOW Definition: The dark figure cast on a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a light source. KJV Translations: shadow, defense, shade Strong's Hebrew #: h.6738

( fem., מצולה ) Translation: SHADE KJV Translations: bottom Strong's Hebrew #: h.4699

( masc., צילצל ) Translation: WHIRRING Definition: [To be verified] The flying swarm causes a large shadow. Alternate Spellings: צלצל KJV Translations: locust, spear, shadowing Strong's Hebrew #: h.6767(x2)

( צלל )

( common, צלל / ts.l.l ) Translation: BE.OVERSHADOWED (V) Definition: To be sunk down into a dark depth. KJV Translations: sink, shadow, dark, began to be dark, shadowing Strong's Hebrew #: h.6749, h.6750, h.6751

( masc., צלל ) Translation: SHADOW KJV Translations: shadow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6752

( masc., צלול ) Translation: CAKE Definition: [To be verified] As becoming dark when cooked. KJV Translations: cake Strong's Hebrew #: h.6742

( אצל )

( common, אצל / a.ts.l ) Translation: SET.ASIDE (V) Definition: To reserve or put aside something. Relationship to Root: In the sense of keeping in the shadow. KJV Translations: take, reserve, keep, straighten Strong's Hebrew #: h.0680

( masc., אצל / e-tsel ) Translation: BESIDE Definition: Being next to something. Relationship to Root: in the sense of being in its shade KJV Translations: by, beside, near, at, with, from, against, close, to, toward, unto Strong's Hebrew #: h.0681

( fem., אציל / a-tsil ) Translation: LEADER Definition: One who is in charge or in command of others. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: noble, chief Strong's Hebrew #: h.0678

( fem., אצילה ) Translation: ARMPIT Definition: [To be verified] The underside of the joint in the arm in the sense of being in shadow. KJV Translations: hole, great Strong's Hebrew #: h.0679

( צאל ) Definition: What casts a shadow of shade.

( masc., צאל ) Translation: LOTUS Definition: An unknown tree. KJV Translations: tree Strong's Hebrew #: h.6628

( צלא )

( common, צלא ) Translation: PRAY (V) KJV Translations: pray Strong's Aramaic #: a.6739

( הצל ) Definition: A hiding in the shadows.

( fem., הצל ) Translation: ESCAPE KJV Translations: deliverance Strong's Hebrew #: h.2020

( צהל ) Definition: The shouting of a voice in joy or singing. Also the neighing of a horse or bull as a shouting.

( common, צהל ) Translation: SHOUT (V) KJV Translations: cry, bellow, neigh, rejoice, shine, shout, lift Strong's Hebrew #: h.6670

( fem., מצהלה ) Translation: SHOUTING KJV Translations: neighing Strong's Hebrew #: h.4684

( צלה ) Definition: A roast becomes dark when cooked.

( common, צלה ) Translation: ROAST (V) KJV Translations: roast Strong's Hebrew #: h.6740

( fem., צלה / tsey-la ) Translation: RIB Definition: Any of the paired bony or cartilaginous bones that stiffen the walls of the thorax and protect the organs beneath. A ridge of a hill from its similar shape to a rib. Also, the side. Alternate Spellings: צלע KJV Translations: rib, side, chamber, board, corner, another, beam, halting, leaves, planks Strong's Hebrew #: h.6763 Aramaic Spelling: סלס Strong's Aramaic #: a.5967

( masc., צלי / tsa-li ) Translation: ROAST Definition: A meat that is cooked over a fire. KJV Translations: roast Strong's Hebrew #: h.6748

( צול ) Definition: The deep ocean as a place of darkness.

( fem., צולה ) Translation: DEEP KJV Translations: deep Strong's Hebrew #: h.6683

( fem., מצולה / me-tso-lah ) Translation: DEPTH Definition: The bottom of a deep body of water. KJV Translations: deep, depth, bottom Strong's Hebrew #: h.4688

( נצל ) Relationship to Parent: as a shaking

( common, נצל / n.ts.l ) Translation: DELIVER (V) Definition: To set free; to take and hand over to or leave for another. KJV Translations: deliver, recover, rid, escape, rescue, spoil, take Strong's Hebrew #: h.5337 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5338

( צלח ) Definition: A pushing forward or up as the sides of a pot or bowl. Relationship to Parent: a deep bowl

( common, צלח / ts.l.hh ) Translation: PROSPER (V) Definition: To succeed; to move forward in distance, position or in thriving. KJV Translations: prosper, come, effect, good, meet, break, went, promote Strong's Hebrew #: h.6743 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6744

( fem., צלחה ) Translation: BOWL Definition: [To be verified] As advancing up the sides. KJV Translations: pan Strong's Hebrew #: h.6745

( fem., צלחת ) Translation: BOWL Definition: [To be verified] As advancing up the sides. KJV Translations: bosom, dish Strong's Hebrew #: h.6747

( fem., צלוחית ) Translation: BOWL Definition: [To be verified] As advancing up the sides. KJV Translations: cruse Strong's Hebrew #: h.6746

( צלם ) Definition: An outline or representation of an original as a shadow is the outline of the original. Relationship to Parent: from the dark shadow of a deep place

( masc., צלם / tse-lem ) Translation: IMAGE Definition: A reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing. The form of something as a shadow of the original. KJV Translations: image, vain, form Strong's Hebrew #: h.6754 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6755

( fem., צלמונה / tsal-mo-nah ) Translation: IMAGING Definition: A reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( צם ) Action: Thirst, Fast, Wither Object: Tie, Dry, Pipe Definition: A fasting from water, or food. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man on his side representing the hunt, the is a picture of water. Combined these mean "hunt for water".

( fem., צמה ) Translation: VEIL Definition: [To be verified] As bound around the face. Relationship to Root: Something tied around the mouth. KJV Translations: lock Strong's Hebrew #: h.6777

( צמם )

( masc., צמים ) Translation: THIRSTY KJV Translations: robber Strong's Hebrew #: h.6782

( צמא )

( common, צמא / ts.m.a ) Translation: THIRST (V) Definition: To lack sufficient water. KJV Translations: thirst, athirst, thirsty Strong's Hebrew #: h.6770

( masc., צמא / tsa-mey ) ( fem., צמאה / tsa-mah ) Translation: THIRST Definition: The lack of sufficient water. Alternate Spellings: צימאה KJV Translations: thirst, thirsty Strong's Hebrew #: h.6771, h.6772, h.6773

( masc., צימאון ) Translation: THIRSTY.LAND Definition: A thirsty land. KJV Translations: drought, thirsty, dry ground Strong's Hebrew #: h.6774

( צום ) Definition: An abstinence from water, or food.

( common, צום ) Translation: FAST (V) Definition: [To be verified] To abstain from food. KJV Translations: fast Strong's Hebrew #: h.6684

( masc., צום ) Translation: FAST Definition: A purposeful abstinence from food. KJV Translations: fast Strong's Hebrew #: h.6685

( צנם ) Relationship to Parent: a withering from lack of water or food

( common, צנם / ts.n.m ) Translation: WITHER (V) Definition: To become dry and sapless; to shrivel. KJV Translations: wither Strong's Hebrew #: h.6798

( צן ) Action: Descend, Low, Confine, Remove Object: Sheep, Stocks, Pipe

( צון )

( masc., צון / tson ) ( fem., צון / tson ) Translation: FLOCKS Definition: Groups of birds or animals assembled or herded together. Alternate Spellings: צאון צונה KJV Translations: flock, sheep, cattle, lamb Strong's Hebrew #: h.6629, h.6792

( צנח )

( common, צנח ) Translation: DESCEND (V) Definition: [To be verified] To move or thrust in a downward direction. KJV Translations: lighten, fasten Strong's Hebrew #: h.6795

( צנע )

( common, צנע ) Translation: LOW (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be low or humble. KJV Translations: low, humble Strong's Hebrew #: h.6800

( צנק ) Relationship to Parent: as brought down in confinement

( masc., צינוק ) Translation: STOCKS Definition: [To be verified] Used for confining a prisoner. KJV Translations: stocks Strong's Hebrew #: h.6729

( צנר ) Relationship to Parent: as bringing water down to another area

( masc., צינור ) Translation: PIPE Definition: [To be verified] Used for moving water. KJV Translations: gutter, waterspout Strong's Hebrew #: h.6794

( צען ) Definition: The taking down of camp and loading onto beasts of burden.

( common, צען ) Translation: REMOVE (V) KJV Translations: take down Strong's Hebrew #: h.6813

( masc., צוען ) Translation: REMOVED Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( צע ) Action: Spread, Wander Object: Bed Definition: The bed consisted of blankets spread out on the floor of the tent. A spreading out of something. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man laying on his side as at rest.

( masc., מצע ) Translation: BED KJV Translations: bed Strong's Hebrew #: h.4702

( masc., צעצוע ) Translation: FIGURINE Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: image Strong's Hebrew #: h.6816

( צעה ) Definition: A traveling through a spread out area.

( common, צעה ) Translation: WANDER (V) KJV Translations: wander, exile, travel Strong's Hebrew #: h.6808

( יצע )

( common, יצע ) Translation: SPREAD (V) Definition: [To be verified] To spread out something to lay on. KJV Translations: spread, bed Strong's Hebrew #: h.3331

( masc., יצוע / ya-tsu-a ) Translation: COUCH Definition: An article of furniture for sitting or reclining. KJV Translations: chamber, bed, couch Strong's Hebrew #: h.3326

( צעף ) Definition: The veil is wrapped around the face to cover it.

( masc., צעיף / tsa-iph ) Translation: VEIL Definition: To cover, provide, obscure, or conceal with or as if with a cloth. KJV Translations: vail Strong's Hebrew #: h.6809

( צער ) Definition: Small in time or size. Someone or something that is small in significance.

( common, צער ) Translation: BROUGHT.LOW (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be small. KJV Translations: low, small, little Strong's Hebrew #: h.6819

( masc., צעיר / tsa-ir ) Translation: LITTLE.ONE Definition: Small in size or extent. Something or someone that is smaller, younger or less significant. Alternate Spellings: צעור זעיר KJV Translations: little, younger, least Strong's Hebrew #: h.2191, h.6810 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2192

( fem., צעירה / tse-i-rah ) Translation: YOUTHFULNESS Definition: One who is little in age, a child; one who acts like a child. KJV Translations: youth Strong's Hebrew #: h.6812

( masc., צוער / tso-ar ) Translation: TINY Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( masc., מצער / miz-ar ) Translation: FEW Definition: Small in number. Alternate Spellings: מזער KJV Translations: little, few, small Strong's Hebrew #: h.4213, h.4705

( fem., מצעירה ) Translation: TINY KJV Translations: little Strong's Hebrew #: h.4704

( צף ) Action: Watch, Wrap, Hide Object: Watchtower, Turban, Treasure

( masc., צף ) Translation: WATCHMAN Definition: > Edenics: spy KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( fem., צפית ) Translation: WATCHTOWER Definition: [To be verified] As watches over an area. KJV Translations: watchtower Strong's Hebrew #: h.6844

( fem., צפון / tsa-phon ) Translation: NORTH Definition: The direction of the left hand when facing the rising sun. Relationship to Root: From the North Star which is watched for direction. KJV Translations: north, northward, northern Strong's Hebrew #: h.6828

( masc., צפוני ) Translation: NORTHERN Definition: [To be verified] From the north star which is watched for direction. KJV Translations: northern Strong's Hebrew #: h.6830

( צפה ) Definition: A covering of an area by watching.

( common, צפה / ts.p.h ) Translation: KEEP.WATCH (V) Definition: To be on the look-out for danger or opportunity. KJV Translations: watch, watchman, behold, look, espy Strong's Hebrew #: h.6822

( fem., ציפיה ) Translation: WATCHING KJV Translations: watching Strong's Hebrew #: h.6836

( masc., מצפה ) Translation: WATCHTOWER Definition: A high place for watching a large area. KJV Translations: watchtower Strong's Hebrew #: h.4707

( masc., ציפיון ) Translation: WATCHER Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( צנף ) Definition: A strip of cloth that is wrapped around the head for a head covering. Relationship to Parent: a cover

( common, צנף / ts.n.p ) Translation: LAP.AROUND (V) KJV Translations: attire, turn Strong's Hebrew #: h.6801

( fem., צנפה ) Translation: WRAPPED KJV Translations: toss Strong's Hebrew #: h.6802

( masc., צניף ) ( fem., צניפה ) Translation: TURBAN Alternate Spellings: צנוף KJV Translations: diadem, mitre, hood Strong's Hebrew #: h.6797

( fem., מצנפת / mits-ne-phet ) Translation: TURBAN Definition: A cloth that is wrapped around the head. KJV Translations: mitre, diadem Strong's Hebrew #: h.4701

( צעד ) Definition: The jingling of bracelets when marching.

( common, צעד / ts.ah.d ) Translation: MARCH (V) Definition: To move along steadily, usually with a rhythmic stride and in step with others. KJV Translations: go, march, run, bring Strong's Hebrew #: h.6805

( masc., צעד ) Translation: PACE KJV Translations: step, pace, goings, go Strong's Hebrew #: h.6806

( fem., צעדה ) Translation: BRACELET Definition: [To be verified] An ornament worn on the ankle or wrist that jingles when walking. KJV Translations: goings, ornament Strong's Hebrew #: h.6807

( masc., מצעד ) Translation: STEP KJV Translations: step, going Strong's Hebrew #: h.4703

( fem., אצעדה ) Translation: ARMLET Definition: An ornament worn on the ankle or wrist that jingles when walking. KJV Translations: chain, bracelet Strong's Hebrew #: h.0685

( צפח )

( fem., צפחת ) Translation: JUG Definition: [To be verified] For holding liquids. KJV Translations: cruse Strong's Hebrew #: h.6835

( fem., צפיחית / tsa-pi-hhit ) Translation: WAFER Definition: Small thinly baked bread. KJV Translations: wafer Strong's Hebrew #: h.6838

( צפן ) Definition: A storing up or hiding of something to prevent discovery. Relationship to Parent: as something watched or covered

( common, צפן / ts.p.n ) Translation: CONCEAL (V) Definition: To hide to prevent discovery. KJV Translations: hide, lay up, esteem, lurk, privily, secret Strong's Hebrew #: h.6845

( masc., צפין ) Translation: TREASURE Definition: [To be verified] What is hidden. KJV Translations: hid Strong's Hebrew #: h.6840

( masc., מצפון ) Translation: TREASURE Definition: [To be verified] What is hidden. KJV Translations: hidden Strong's Hebrew #: h.4710

( צץ ) Action: Bloom Object: Blossom Definition: The function of the blossom is to produce the fruit of the tree.

( צוץ )

( common, צוץ / ts.w.ts ) Translation: BLOOM (V) KJV Translations: flourish, blossom, bloom, show Strong's Hebrew #: h.6692

( ציץ )

( masc., ציץ / tsits ) ( fem., ציצה / tsi-tsah ) Translation: BLOSSOM Definition: The flower of a plant, especially of one producing an edible fruit. KJV Translations: blossom, flower, plate, wing Strong's Hebrew #: h.6731, h.6733

( fem., ציצית / tsi-tsit ) Translation: FRINGE Definition: A tassel or lock of hair as blossoms. KJV Translations: fringe, lock Strong's Hebrew #: h.6734

( צק ) Action: Pour Object: Casting, Pillar, Pot Abstract: Image Definition: A molten metal is poured into a mold to form a cast object or image.

( fem., מצקית ) Translation: IMAGERY Definition: The casting of an image. Alternate Spellings: משכית KJV Translations: picture, image, wish, conceit, imagery Strong's Hebrew #: h.4906

( fem., צקיה ) Translation: CRAFT Alternate Spellings: שכיה KJV Translations: picture Strong's Hebrew #: h.7914

( אצק )

( masc., אצק ) Translation: POT Definition: [To be verified] A cast iron pot. Alternate Spellings: אחך KJV Translations: pot Strong's Hebrew #: h.0610

( צוק )

( common, צוק ) Translation: POUR (V) Definition: [To be verified] To pour molten metal. Also to pour water or oil onto someone for washing or anointing. KJV Translations: pour, molten, anoint Strong's Hebrew #: h.5480, h.6694

( masc., מצוק ) Translation: PILLAR Definition: [To be verified] A tall rock formation which appears to be a cast pillar. KJV Translations: pillar, situate Strong's Hebrew #: h.4690

( יצק ) Definition: The pouring of molten metal out of a funnel into a cast.

( common, יצק / y.ts.q ) Translation: POUR.DOWN (V) Definition: To send a liquid from a container into another container or onto a person or object; to pour molten metal into a cast. Alternate Spellings: יסק Edenics: cast - a reversal of the letters KJV Translations: pour, cast, molten, firm, set, fast, grow, hard, overflown, steadfast Strong's Hebrew #: h.3251, h.3332

( masc., מוצק ) Translation: CASTING KJV Translations: casting, hardness Strong's Hebrew #: h.4165

( fem., מוצקה ) Translation: CAST Definition: [To be verified] The vessel for pouring the molten metal into. KJV Translations: pipe, cast Strong's Hebrew #: h.4166

( fem., יצוקה ) Translation: CAST Definition: [To be verified] A casting of metals. KJV Translations: cast Strong's Hebrew #: h.3333

( נסך ) Relationship to Parent: covering

( common, נסך / n.s.k ) Translation: POUR (V) Definition: To cause to flow in a stream; to give full expression to. KJV Translations: pour, cover, offer, melt, molten, set, spread Strong's Hebrew #: h.5258, h.5259 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5260

( masc., נסך / ne-sak ) Translation: POURING Definition: A liquid poured out as an offering or the pouring of a molten metal to form images. KJV Translations: drink, offering, image, cover Strong's Hebrew #: h.5262 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5261

( fem., מסכה / ma-sey-khah ) Translation: CAST.IMAGE Definition: A molten metal that is poured in a cast to form images. KJV Translations: image, molten, covering, vail Strong's Hebrew #: h.4541

( fem., מנסכת ) Translation: WEB Definition: [To be verified] Of the loom. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: web Strong's Hebrew #: h.4545

( masc., נסיך ) Translation: POURED.OUT Definition: A liquid poured out as an offering. KJV Translations: prince, drink, duke, principal Strong's Hebrew #: h.5257

( צר ) Action: Press, Shine, Crush, Strike, Report, Gather, Tear, Keep Object: Enemy, Bundle, Belt, Neck, Oil, Flint, Flesh, Fence, Prey Abstract: Trouble, Pain Definition: A pressing in or on someone or something.

( masc., צר / tsar ) Translation: NARROW Definition: Of slender width. A narrow, tight place or situation, a difficulty. An enemy or adversary as one who closes in with pressure. Edenics: sore KJV Translations: enemy, adversary, trouble, distress, affliction, foe, narrow, strait, flint, sorrow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6862

( fem., צרה / tsa-rah ) Translation: PERSECUTION Definition: To agitate mentally or spiritually; worry; disturb. KJV Translations: trouble, distress, affliction, adversity, anguish, tribulation, adversary Strong's Hebrew #: h.6869

( masc., צור / tsor ) Translation: SHARP.STONE Definition: A piece of stone from obsidian, flint or chert that forms a narrow and sharp edge when flaked off. KJV Translations: sharp stone, flint Strong's Hebrew #: h.6864

( masc., צרי / tse-ri ) Translation: BALM Definition: An aromatic preparation for a healing ointment. A salve rubbed and pressed into the skin. KJV Translations: balm Strong's Hebrew #: h.6875

( masc., מצר / mey-tsar ) Translation: STRAIT Definition: A narrow tight place or situation. KJV Translations: pains, distress, strait Strong's Hebrew #: h.4712

( צרר ) Definition: A pressing in or on.

( common, צרר / ts.r.r ) Translation: PRESS.IN (V) Definition: To confine or restrict in a tight place. KJV Translations: enemy, distress, bind, vex, afflict, besiege, adversary, strait, trouble, bound, pangs Strong's Hebrew #: h.6887

( masc., צרור / tse-ror ) Translation: POUCH Definition: A group of things fastened together for convenient handling. Something that is bound up tightly. KJV Translations: bundle, bag, bind, grain, stone Strong's Hebrew #: h.6872

( אצר ) Definition: Something that is stored by being wrapped up tightly. A belt or waistcloth that is wrapped around the middle tightly.

( common, אצר / a.ts.r ) Translation: STORE.UP (V) Definition: To keep valuable items or foods in a safe and secure place. Edenics: store KJV Translations: store, treasure Strong's Hebrew #: h.0686

( masc., אצור ) Translation: WAIST.CLOTH Definition: [To be verified] As bound around the middle. Alternate Spellings: אזור KJV Translations: girdle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0232

( masc., אוצר ) Translation: SUPPLY.HOUSE Definition: A place where grain or other items of subsistence are held and protected. KJV Translations: treasure, treasury, storehouse, cellar, armoury Strong's Hebrew #: h.0214

( צאר )

( masc., צואר / tsa-war ) Translation: BACK.OF.THE.NECK Definition: The nape between the shoulders and the head. Relationship to Root: Derived from the soreness of the neck when carrying a load or stress. KJV Translations: neck Strong's Hebrew #: h.6677 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6676

( צהר ) Definition: The olives are pressed to extract the glimmering oil.

( common, צהר / ts.h.r ) Translation: PRESS.OUT.OIL (V) Definition: Extracting the fluids from the olive. KJV Translations: oil Strong's Hebrew #: h.6671

( fem., צוהר / tso-har ) Translation: GLISTENING Definition: Emitting or reflecting light. From the glisten of olive oil. Something that shines brightly. Also, noon as the brightest part of the day. Alternate Translations: noontime (when in the double plural form) Alternate Spellings: זהר KJV Translations: brightness, noon, noonday, day, midday, window Strong's Hebrew #: h.2096, h.6672

( masc., יצהר ) Translation: FRESH.OIL KJV Translations: oil, anointed Strong's Hebrew #: h.3323

( צרה )

( masc., צורה ) Translation: CRUSHED Alternate Spellings: זורה KJV Translations: crushed Strong's Hebrew #: h.2116

( צור ) Definition: Flint tools are made by striking or pressing the edges with a tool to remove flakes creating a sharp edge.

( common, צור / ts.w.r ) Translation: SMACK (V) Definition: To strike or push as an attack. Alternate Spellings: זור KJV Translations: besiege, siege, distress, bind, adversary, assault, bag, beset, cast, fashion, fortify, inclose, bind, crush, closed, thrust Strong's Hebrew #: h.2115, h.6696

( masc., צור / tsur ) Translation: BOULDER Definition: A large rock used as a weapon or a rock cliff used as a place of defense. Also flint, a very hard rock that when fractured forms a razor sharp edge and used for knives, spears or arrowheads. KJV Translations: rock, strength, sharp, god, beauty, edge, stone, mighty, strong Strong's Hebrew #: h.6697

( fem., צורה ) Translation: FEATURES Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of being pressed. KJV Translations: form Strong's Hebrew #: h.6699

( masc., מצור ) Translation: SMACKED Definition: A pressing into a city for conquering it. Alternate Spellings: מזר מזור KJV Translations: wound, bound Strong's Hebrew #: h.4205, h.4692

( fem., מצורה ) Translation: RAMPART Definition: [To be verified] A defensible stronghold to repel an army that presses in. KJV Translations: fenced, stronghold, fort, munition Strong's Hebrew #: h.4694

( יצר ) Definition: Being pressed in a narrow tight place. The pressing of clay to form something.

( common, יצר / y.ts.r ) Translation: MOLD (V) Definition: To give shape to; to press or squeeze, as when pressing clay into a shape to form a vessel. Alternate Translations: distress KJV Translations: distressed, straitened, straits, vex, narrow, form, potter, fashion, maker, frame, make, former, earthen, purpose Strong's Hebrew #: h.3334, h.3335

( masc., יצר / yey-tser ) Translation: THOUGHT Definition: The forming of ideas in the mind. KJV Translations: imagination, frame, mind, work Strong's Hebrew #: h.3336

( masc., יצור ) Translation: PRESSINGS Definition: [To be verified] Something that is formed. KJV Translations: members Strong's Hebrew #: h.3338

( ציר )

( common, ציר ) Translation: READY.PROVISIONS (V) KJV Translations: ambassador Strong's Hebrew #: h.6737

( masc., ציר ) Translation: LABOR.PAIN Definition: [To be verified] A pressing pain. As pressed out of clay. The weight of the door rested on the hinge. KJV Translations: ambassador, messenger, pain, pang, sorrow, idol, hinge Strong's Hebrew #: h.6735, h.6736

( בסר ) Definition: When good news is brought a feast with meat is prepared.

( common, בסר ) Translation: REPORT (V) Definition: To provide good news, often followed by a feast where meat is prepared in celebration. Alternate Spellings: בשר KJV Translations: tidings, show forth, publish, messenger, preached Strong's Hebrew #: h.1319

( fem., בשר / ba-sar ) Translation: FLESH Definition: The soft parts of a human or animal, composed primarily of skeletal muscle. Skin and muscle or the whole of the person. Meat as food. KJV Translations: flesh, body Strong's Hebrew #: h.1154, h.1320 Strong's Aramaic #: a.1321

( fem., בסורה ) Translation: GOOD.NEWS Definition: A report of exciting information, often followed by a feast where meat is prepared in celebration. Alternate Spellings: בשורה KJV Translations: tidings Strong's Hebrew #: h.1309

( masc., בוסר ) Translation: SOUR.GRAPE Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root Alternate Spellings: בשר KJV Translations: unripe grapes, sour grapes Strong's Hebrew #: h.1155

( masc., אבסר ) Translation: MEAT Definition: [To be verified] A choice piece of meat. Alternate Spellings: אשפר KJV Translations: piece Strong's Hebrew #: h.0829

( בצר ) Definition: A walled, fenced or fortified place for storing up the gathered crop or people.

( common, בצר / b.ts.r ) Translation: FENCE.IN (V) Definition: A barrier intended to protect, prevent escape or intrusion, or to mark a boundary; to gather together and confine for protection. KJV Translations: fence, defense, gather, grapegatherer, fortify Strong's Hebrew #: h.1219

( masc., בצר ) Translation: PRECIOUS.METAL Definition: Valuables that are stored away and protected. KJV Translations: gold Strong's Hebrew #: h.1220, h.1222

( masc., בציר ) Translation: VINTAGE Definition: [To be verified] The gathered crop of grapes. KJV Translations: vintage Strong's Hebrew #: h.1210

( masc., בצור ) Translation: VINTAGE Definition: The gathered crop of grapes. KJV Translations: vintage Strong's Hebrew #: h.1208

( fem., בצורת ) Translation: DROUGHT Definition: [To be verified] A time of storing up water. KJV Translations: dearth, drought Strong's Hebrew #: h.1226

( fem., בוצרה ) Translation: SHEEP.PEN Definition: A walled place of protection. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]

( masc., מבצר ) Translation: FENCE Definition: A walled place of protection and confinement. KJV Translations: hold, fenced, fortress, defenced, strong Strong's Hebrew #: h.4013

( masc., ביצרון ) Translation: STRONGHOLD Definition: [To be verified] A walled place of protection. KJV Translations: strong hold Strong's Hebrew #: h.1225

( טרף ) Definition: The prey that is torn to pieces by the predator. Relationship to Parent: fresh

( common, טרף / t.r.p ) Translation: TEAR.INTO.PIECES (V) Definition: To tear into pieces as a predator does to its prey; to rip a cloth into pieces. KJV Translations: tear, ravening, catch, feed, rent, prey Strong's Hebrew #: h.2963

( masc., טרף / te-reph ) Translation: PREY Definition: An animal taken as food by a predator. The meat that is torn by the predator. KJV Translations: prey, meat, leaves, spoil Strong's Hebrew #: h.2964, h.2965

( fem., טרפה / te-rey-phah ) Translation: TORN Definition: Pulled apart. Flesh that is torn. KJV Translations: torn, ravin Strong's Hebrew #: h.2966

( נטר ) Relationship to Parent: as a place that is guarded

( common, נטר / n.t.r ) Translation: KEEP (V) Definition: To hold onto. KJV Translations: keep, keeper, reserve, grudge Strong's Hebrew #: h.5201 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5202

( נצר )

( common, נצר / n.ts.r ) Translation: PRESERVE (V) Definition: To watch over or guard for protection. KJV Translations: keep, preserve, watchman, besiege, keeper, monument, preserver, subtil, hidden, watcher Strong's Hebrew #: h.5341

( masc., נצר ) Translation: BRANCH Definition: [To be verified] Flocks and crops were guarded over (preseved) by watchmen who would construct booths out of branches for shade KJV Translations: branch Strong's Hebrew #: h.5342

( masc., נציר ) Translation: PRESERVE KJV Translations: preserved Strong's Hebrew #: h.5336

( פצר ) Definition: The sharpening of a metal tool by pressing and moving a file or stone over the point.

( common, פצר / p.ts.r ) Translation: PRESS.HARD (V) Definition: To push or urge another into an action. KJV Translations: urge, press, stubbornness Strong's Hebrew #: h.6484

( צרב )

( common, צרב ) Translation: SEAR (V) KJV Translations: burn Strong's Hebrew #: h.6866

( fem., צרבת ) Translation: SEARING KJV Translations: burning Strong's Hebrew #: h.6867

( צת ) Action: Burn, Kindle

( צות )

( common, צות ) Translation: SET.ON.FIRE (V) KJV Translations: burn Strong's Hebrew #: h.6702

( יצת )

( common, יצת ) Translation: LIGHT.ON.FIRE (V) Definition: To kindle a blaze. KJV Translations: kindle, burn, set, desolate Strong's Hebrew #: h.3341