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(1000 Most Common Hebrew Words in the Hebrew Bible) By Jeff A. Benner מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר שׁ שׂ ת סבב sa-vav Go Around (verb) To circle completely around something. Strong's Number: 5437 AHLB סָבִיב sa-veev All Around On all sides; enclose so as to surround; in rotation or succession. A circling or bordering about the edge. Strong's Number: 5439 AHLB סגר sa-gar Shut (verb) To close or block an opening. Strong's Number: 5462 AHLB סוּס sus Horse A domesticated animal used as a beast of burden, a draft animal or for riding. Strong's Number: 5483 AHLB סוּף suph Reeds The plants that grow at the edge, or lip, of a river or pond. This word can also mean the edge or conclusion of something. Strong's Number: 5488 AHLB סור sur Turn Aside (verb) To change the location, position, station, or residence; to remove. The hiphil (causative) form means "remove." Strong's Number: 5493 AHLB סים seem Place (verb) To put or set in a particular place, position, situation, or relation. Strong's Number: 7760 AHLB סִיר seer Pot A vessel used for cooking or storing. Strong's Number: 5518 AHLB סֻכָּה su-kah Booth A temporary shelter; a small enclosure; dwelling place. Strong's Number: 5521 AHLB סֶלָה se-lah Selah A musical term possibly a lifting of the sound. Strong's Number: 5542 AHLB סלח sa-lahh Forgive (verb) To pardon; to overlook an offense and treat the offender as not guilty. Strong's Number: 5545 AHLB סֶלַע se-la Cliff A high rock, cliff or towering rock, as a place of defense. Strong's Number: 5553 AHLB סֹלֶת so-let Flour Finely ground meal of grain used for making bread. Strong's Number: 5560 AHLB סמך sa-makh Support (verb) To uphold or defend; to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for. Strong's Number: 5564 AHLB סַף saph Tub A container with a lip. The lip of the door. Strong's Number: 5592 AHLB ספד sa-phad Lament (verb) To mourn aloud; wail. Strong's Number: 5594 AHLB ספר sa-phar Count (verb) To find the total number of units. Also to give an account on record. The piel (intensive) form means "recount." Strong's Number: 5608 AHLB סֵפֶר sey-pher Scroll A document or record written on a sheet of papyrus, leather or parchment and rolled up for storage. Strong's Number: 5612 AHLB סָּרִיס sa-rees Eunuch A castrated man. As eunuchs were used as officers, may also mean an officer. Strong's Number: 5631 AHLB סתר sa-tar Hide (verb) To put out of sight; to conceal from view; to keep secret. Hide or conceal. Strong's Number: 5641 AHLB סֵתֶר sey-ter Protection A shelter or other place of hiding. Strong's Number: 5643 AHLB |