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MAGICIAN: One who performs tricks of illusion and sleight of hand. Writes magical circles and lines. [Strong's #: 2748, 2749]
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MAGNIFIED: An increased significance or size. [Strong's #: 1432]
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MAGNIFY (Verb): To increase in size or one's position of honor. [Strong's #: 1431]
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MAID: An unmarried young woman. [Strong's #: 8198]
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MAKE.A.VOW (Verb): To promise solemnly; to make an agreement where one promises an action if the other reciprocates with another action. [Strong's #: 5087]
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MAKE.BRICKS (Verb): To shape moist clay or earth into blocks for construction purposes. Can also mean to be "white." [Strong's #: 3835]
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MAKE.RESTITUTION (Verb): To restore or make right through action, payment or restoration to a rightful owner. [Strong's #: 7999, 8000]
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MALE: Being the gender who begets offspring. One who acts and speaks for the family. [Strong's #: 1798, 2145]
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MALE.GOAT: A male member of a flock of goats. [Strong's #: 6259, 6260]
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MALE.KID: A young goat. [Strong's #: 1423]
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MAN: An adult male human. As mortal. Also, used to mean "each" in the sense of an individual; Each, one. [Strong's #: 376, 377, 582, 606]
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MANDRAKES: A plant boiled as an aphrodisiac. [Strong's #: 1736]
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MANY: A large but indefinite number. An abundance of things (many, much, great), actions (complete, wholly, strong, quick) or character (very); Great, greatly, more, much, very. [Strong's #: 3966]
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MARCH (Verb): To move along steadily, usually with a rhythmic stride and in step with others. [Strong's #: 6805]
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MARRY (Verb): To join as husband and wife. [Strong's #: 1166]
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MARSH.GRASS: The tall grasses that line a body of water as a wall. [Strong's #: 260]
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MARVEL (Verb): Something that causes wonder or astonishment. To see or perceive a full sight, such as a wonder or miracle. [Strong's #: 8539]
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MASTER: Having chief authority; a workman qualified to teach apprentices. [Strong's #: 1167, 1169]
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MATERIAL: Something owned, occupied or controlled. The goods and wealth acquired from the idea of acquiring materials for building a nest. [Strong's #: 7075]
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MATURE: Having completed natural growth and development. An upright and correct nature. [Strong's #: 8535]
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MEAT: Solid food as distinguished from drink; flesh; a meal. [Strong's #: 4202, 4203]
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MEDITATE (Verb): To engage in contemplation. A sweeping away in thought. [Strong's #: 7742]
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MEET (Verb): To come into the presence of; to go to meet another; to have a chance encounter. [Strong's #: 7122, 7125, 7136]
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MESSENGER: One who bears a message or runs an errand. Walks for another. [Strong's #: 4397, 4398]
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MIDSECTION: The lower abdomen and back. [Strong's #: 3409]
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MIDST: The center or middle of the whole; Middle. [Strong's #: 8432]
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MIGHTY.ONE: One who holds authority over others, such as a judge, chief or god. In the sense of being yoked to one another. [Strong's #: 410]
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MIMIC (Verb): To imitate another person's speech as an interpretation or in scorn; Interpret (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 3887]
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MINISTER (Verb): To give aid or service; to be in service to another. [Strong's #: 8334]
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MIST: A vapor or fine spray. [Strong's #: 108]
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MIX (Verb): To combine in one mass; to mingle together. [Strong's #: 1101]
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MODERATE (Verb): To rule over quarrels or other conflicts. [Strong's #: 1777, 1778]
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MOIST: Slightly or moderately wet. [Strong's #: 3892, 3893]
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MOLD (Verb): To give shape to; to press or squeeze, as when pressing clay into a shape to form a vessel; Distress. [Strong's #: 3334, 3335]
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MONUMENT: A lasting evidence, reminder, or example of someone or something. As standing tall and firm. [Strong's #: 4676]
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MOON: The second brightest object in the sky which reflects the sun's light. Also, a month by counting its cycles. [Strong's #: 3391, 3393, 3394]
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MOREOVER: In addition to what has been said. [Strong's #: 637, 638]
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MORNING: The time from sunrise to noon. Breaking of daylight. [Strong's #: 1242]
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MORROW: The next day. At a time following; The next day (when prefixed with "from~"). [Strong's #: 4283]
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MORTAL.MAN: Subject to death. As mortal. [Strong's #: 4962]
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MORTAR: A thick and slimy soil used to join bricks or for making bricks. [Strong's #: 2563]
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MOTHER: A female parent. Maternal tenderness or affection. One who fulfills the role of a mother. [Strong's #: 517]
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MOUND: An artificial hill or bank of earth or stones. A pile of rocks or soil. A spring gushing out of the ground. [Strong's #: 1530]
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MOUNT: To increase in amount or extent; to get up on something above the level of the ground. [Strong's #: 2042]
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MOURN (Verb): To feel or express grief or sorrow. [Strong's #: 56]
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MOURNING: A flowing of tears. Also, a meadow as a weeping ground. [Strong's #: 57, 58, 60]
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MOUTH: The opening through which food enters the body. Any opening. [Strong's #: 6310]
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MULTITUDE: A great number of people. A loud group. [Strong's #: 1995]
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MYRIAD: A great abundance in numbers. [Strong's #: 7233]
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